Celebration assembly 25.9.15
We started our assembly with a fantastic dance routine by Faye who came to tell us all about dancing and…
Newsletter 3
24th September 2015 Dear All, I mentioned in last weeks issue that we were hoping to offer even more clubs…
Ancient Egyptian cooking
As part of our creative curriculum theme – Ancient Egypt, last week we made fig cakes in the traditional way.…
Newsletter 2
Newsletter 2 17th September 2015 Dear All, A big thank you for getting your children to school on time and…
Celebration Assembly 18.9.15
Our stars of the week are Vriya (Conkers), Izzy (Acorns) and Alisha (Chestnuts) for the kindness shown to others. The…
Newsletter 1 10th September 2015 Dear All, A big welcome back to you all. Thank you for the really positive…
Celebration Assembly 11th September 2015
Our stars of the week this week are Daniel (Conkers), George (Acorns), Ezra (Chestnuts) and Thea…
Celebration Assembly 4.9.15
Well done to all of the pupils who received Star of the Week awards in assembly this morning! Mr…