Celebration assembly 29.1.16
Our stars of the week this week are Freddie (Chestnuts), Annie (Conkers), Joel (Acorns) and all of Oaks for their…
Mini sculptures
This afternoon we have been building sculptures in the style of Andy Goldsworthy using natural items like sticks, stones and…
Jigsaw PSHE
This morning we began our new PHSE lesson. We set ourselves the goal of passing a full treasure chest around…
Newsletter 17
22nd January 2016 Dear All, As mentioned in a previous newsletter, the staff spent the INSET day at the start…
Celebration Assembly 22.1.16
Our stars of the week this week are taken from our new PHSE scheme celebrating children who have stayed motivated…
Sculpture afternoon
This afternoon Acorn and Chestnut class worked outdoors to create sculptures in the style of Andy Goldsworthy. …
Celebration Assembly 15.1.16
Our stars of the week this week are Daniel (Conkers), Ollie and Roxy (Acorns), Eden (Chestnuts) and Jago (Oaks). The…
Newsletter 15
15th January 2016 Dear All, I start this week’s letter with some fantastic news! I’m delighted to inform you that…
Celebration Assembly 8.1.16
Our stars of the week this week are Rio (Oaks), Katie (Chestnuts) and all of reception (Conkers). Well done. James…