The children in Acorn class have been lucky enough to watch five caterpillars transforming from little eggs into chrysalis. Unfortunately…
Food Glorious Food
As part of our creative curriculum theme Food Glorious Food Acorn Class have been growing and measuring a number of…
Where in the world?
We have been finding out where in the world our food comes from. We have found out wher olives, coco…
Bee talk 🐝🐝🐝
This afternoon we were lucky enough to have had a very informative talk about bees from Mr.Whitfield. He shared his…
Celebration assembly 12.5.17
Our stars of the week are Ruby (Chestnuts), Libby (Acorns), Bella (Conkers) and all of the Year 6 pupils for…
Magic marble celebration picnic.
Conker Class chose to have a teddy bears picnic for their second class treat. Some of them came in their…
Newsletter 25
5th May 2017 Dear Parents The first assembly of term featured a plethora of certificates from outside of school. Keanu…
Celebration assembly 5.5.17
Our stars of the week are Rubeckia (Conkers), Eleyna (Acorns), Corleigh (Chestnuts) and Jake (Oaks). 🌟 A silver certificate was awarded…
Wild flowers.
We explored our environment to find out what wild flowers grow there. The year ones are going to write an…