Celebration assembly 13.10.17
Our stars of the week are Phoebe (Conkers), Rocco (Acorns), Ashleigh (Chestnuts) and William (Oaks) for respecting and following the…
Celebration assembly 20.10.17
Our stars of the week this week are Logan (Conkers), Esme (Acorns), Eleyna (Chestnuts) and Alanah (Oaks).⭐️✨🌟 Our wow writers…
Newsletter 20th October 2017
Flu vaccine Just a polite reminder that the children in Conker, Acorn and Chestnut class have had a letter sent…
The wonderful world of flying
Acorn class had a fantastic talk by Mr Whitfield all about the wonderful world of flying. He talked all about…
Visit from Dorset Music service
This afternoon the children were treated to a special assembly from the Dorset Music service.
Chestnut class assembly
This morning we were treated to an assembly all about the Romans from Chestnut class. The investigation with the triangular…
Pre school
This week we went to visit pre school. We had great fun doing all the different harvest activities.
Magic marbles
We have all worked as a team to earn magic marbles. We chose to play games on the iPads and…
A walk a day
Everyday we put our welly boots on and go for a walk around the playing field during afternoon play. Today…