Dear Parents and Carers
It is hard to believe we have had all children back in school for three weeks already, but very good to see how well they have settled. Overall, we are delighted with how well they have kept up with their learning over the last few months – well done to all the children and to you at home for your support! We are quickly getting an idea of those children who need a bit of extra support and are both adapting what we are teaching and finding extra minutes in the day for one to one or small group support to help address this. We are looking to hold parents’ evenings early next term to let you know about your child’s progress and to talk about ways we can work together to make sure this continues.
You will be aware that the school received another remote monitoring inspection from Ofsted last week. The focus of this inspection was to find out whether we were providing an education for the children at this time. The outcomes from the inspection, which will not lead to a change in our overall grading, are confidential until the final letter is published, but I am pleased to let you know that it was a very useful experience for the school which has given us some helpful advice for our future work in the school.
I would like to thank everyone who completed the questionnaire on Ofsted’s Parentview website. The inspectors take your comments and judgements very seriously so the more responses they receive the better. While there were some comments made which show we have work to do to ensure you are kept fully informed about what your children are learning and how well they are doing, the overwhelming picture was very positive – thank you all for your support.
Parent Forum
Thank you to the parents and governors who joined me for the on-line Parent Forum meeting this week. I hope you found it useful and a chance to share your thoughts and suggestions for making the school even better for your children. A comment I received afterwards suggested we tried a different time for the meetings in order for more parents and carers to attend. Please fill in and submit the on-line form at (it has only one question for this!) to let me know the time(s) that suit you best and we will try to hold the next meeting at the most popular time.
Vacancies at Stower Provost
We have been very fortunate to have Mrs Jen Harris as the Treasurer for the PTFA for the last year or so and thank her for her work in ensuring the accounts are all correct. Due to work commitments, she has had to relinquish the post so we are looking for someone to take on this responsibility. No formal qualifications or experience are needed for the position, and training and support can be given if required. Please contact Claire Heasman ( if you would be interested in this invaluable role on the PTFA Committee.
With an increase in the size of our Governing Body, we are now looking to appoint an additional Parent Governor. This is a very important role in making sure the school is carrying out its statutory duties, and gives parents a fascinating insight into the running of the school and the chance to help shape the education we provide. If you are interested in this role, please contact the clerk to the Governors at who will be happy to give you more information, or come and talk to me at school.
We are looking for someone practical to carry out some light caretaking duties at the school. Weekly checks on the fire alarms and water systems, other monthly and termly checks plus some light DIY-type tasks are needed to be covered, and we are looking at employing someone for a basic 1½ hours per week term-time, with overtime for extra jobs when necessary. If you, or anyone you know, would be interested in more details of the post, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Finally, due to our increasing pupil numbers, we are looking to appoint an extra teacher, initially for each morning with a view to it becoming full-time when numbers allow. I will be advertising for this exciting development shortly and will let you know when an appointment has been made.
Tree Project
The PTFA has sourced a large number of trees from the Woodland Trust to plant a new hedgerow and individual trees. The plan is for each child to have their own tree with a bespoke wooden label, for them to see grow during their time here and to encourage them to come back and see us when they have moved onto their next school. We are looking to set up a working party very early next term, so if you are interested in supporting this excellent sustainability project please let the office know or see me before or after school.
I have been contacted by our local Bikeability trainer about this year’s training programme. Open to all children in Years 3 – 6, the children need to take each of the 3 stages of this cycle safety course in turn. The courses normally take place over a couple of days. If you are interested in your child taking part in acquiring this really important life-skill, please fill in Question 2 on the Microsoft form on this link . For more information, go to the Bikeability website Bikeability | Professional cycle training for children and adults in England
Equipment in School
It has been very helpful having the children coming to school in their PE Kits or Forest School clothes on the relevant days, but we are now in a position to have PE kits brought into school. As before, unless kit gets completely wet or muddy, it should be fine to stay in school for a half term. Therefore, please send your child into school in full school uniform each day, and on the first day of term with their named PE kit in a small, preferably drawstring bag to stay in school. It will be sent home with them at the end of the half term. We would be very grateful if you would support us in our return to normality by ensuring your child has full school uniform on each day, including suitable black shoes rather than trainers or ‘dolly shoes’. If you have any lightly-worn black shoes that are now too small for your child and you would like to donate, it would be good for us to be able to offer them to families who are finding them difficult to source.
End of term arrangements
We break up for the Easter Holiday next Thursday, 1st April at 3:20pm. On that day, we will be running a traditional Easter Egg Hunt, courtesy of the PTFA, so your child will hopefully be coming home with a seasonal gift!. If your child has any allergies we are not already aware of, please let the office know straight away. Please also see the attached flyer for events taking place locally in the second week of the holiday.
I hope you all have a very relaxing and enjoyable weekend.
With best wishes
James Stanford