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Newsletter 3rd May 2024

Newsletter 3rd May 2024
May 8, 2024 Sandy Pike

Dear Parents and Carers,

After a very wet week, I think we are all hoping for finer weather. To see this week’s news and information about future events in and out of school please read on.

Governor News

I’m pleased to announce that the two advertised parent governor vacancies have now been filled. Both candidates were elected unopposed as only two people applied, and Phillippa Halberstadt and Debbie Kibbler are now parent governors subject to DBS checks.



Our Monday assembly this week deviated from our Pandora’s Box theme, with an assembly on non-negotiables within the classroom including


Learning behaviours.


Expectations within the classroom.


Track the speaker Hands free

– no fidgeting

Full attention
Silent focus when asked Immediate execution of tasks Think and be ready to answer questions


Catch your words and put your hand up


Our Thursday assembly focused on the British Value of democracy, with discussion around voting and the three elements that make up parliament – the House of Commons, the House of Lords and the Monarchy.  Pupils also had the opportunity to see the polling station in action. This was followed by children having their own polling station in a school vote to decide which charity, from four, should be supported by the school. Charities had been selected and were put forward by representatives of the School Council.

Lego Club

Monday’s winners were Noah and Jasper, who worked together to create a very red octopus. Wednesday’s winner was a draw between Archie and Max. Max made a red octopus with the treasure chest and Archie made a multicoloured octopus with treasure chest, but when you lifted the top off the octopus you could see the octopus was anatomically correct and had two hearts, which was really quite special!             


Our Year 6 pupils are looking to raise money for their leavers experience at the end of the term. As part of this, the enterprising team will be selling small bags of sweets on a Thursday and Friday at collection time i.e. 3.20pm. They will also be selling homemade cakes and/or biscuits on a Friday before our Praise and Celebrate assembly, and if there are any left, at the end of the day as well. I will also put the kettle on so a cake and a cuppa will cost £1 or a donation. So, do please come armed with your small change e.g. 10p, 20p or 50p for sweets or £1 for your cake and a cuppa!


School Clubs

Breakfast and After School Club, staffed and run by Prime Sports in the school hall can be booked online at:  (Select Stower Provost Community School in the specific venue box and scroll down to Wraparound Care.

Breakfast Club runs daily 07.45 – 08.45, and After School Club from 15.30 – 17.00 daily. Please see the Prime Sports website for costs.

We also have a number of ‘hobby’ clubs being offered this term including:


Club Day Time For year groups Run by Cost
Lego Monday 15.20 – 16.30 Year 1/2/3/4/5 Miss Buxton £3.99 + VAT per session
KS1 Multi-Sports

(summer sports)

Tuesday 15.30 – 16.30 Years 1 & 2 Prime Sports FREE
Gardening Tuesday (starting 30th April) 15.20 – 16.30 4 spaces (sign up by emailing Mrs Pike) Mrs Berwick £6 for 4 sessions i.e. until half term
Lego Wednesday 15.20 – 16.30 Year 1/2/3/4/5 Miss Buxton £3.99 + VAT per session
Eco Club Friday 12.30 – 13.00 All Mrs B FREE
KS2 Multi-Sports

(summer sports)

Friday 15.30 – 16.30 Years 3/4/5/6 Prime Sports FREE


Signing up for Clubs

Sports Clubs are free for children to attend and subsidised out of the school’s PEPPSA (sports funding).

Please book any Prime Sports Clubs on:

KS1 –

KS2 –


Lego Club is booked through

Pyjamarama Day – 17th May

Pyjamarama Day is to raise money for the Book Trust Campaign, which supports disadvantaged children giving access to books and other resources. Children are invited to wear a pair of pjs all day (other clothes can be worn underneath), and bring in their favourite book to share with the class. We ask children to bring in a £1 donation, which will go towards helping ensure all children can reap the life changing benefits of reading. Please see the attached letter for further information.


There will be a meeting on Wednesday 8th May at 3.30pm to discuss the summer BBQ. The idea is to congregate on the school playground, allowing to play, while a brief meeting is help specifically to discuss and draw together ideas and plans for the School’s summer BBQ.  All are most welcome, so do feel free to just rock up!


1-2-1 Football Training

Prime Sports are offering personalised 1-2-1 football coaching. Training sessions are available at Stower Provost on:

Tuesdays and Wednesdays / 5:15-6:15 and 6:15-7:15. Please book via:


Please see the attached flyer for further information.

Cricket training

Please find two flyers linked to cricket opportunities, one for All Stars cricket 5 – 8 years old, and the other for Dynamo cricket for children 8 – 11 years old.

All Stars Cricket is the best cricket.

Yeovil Town Women’s Football Club Trials

YTWFC have an upcoming trial period which children from our school are invited to attend.

The trial period is designed to give each player the opportunity to see what the club is all about and to identify players who could play as a part of the Junior Premier League Warriors system, the highest level of girls’ academy football in the country. YTWFC are focused on giving girls the opportunity to love the game, develop all areas of their game and be part of a pathway to the highest levels. This is an opportunity for every girl to represent, learn and grow with Yeovil Town Women’s Football Club.

These are trials for next year’s age groups, so the participants will be trialled in their true age group based on their school year and date of birth.

Group1 (U8-U16):

Dates: 7 May & 9 May

Times: U8-U10s 5:30pm – 6:30pm  &  U12-U16s 6:30pm – 7:30pm

For further information please see the attached letter from YTWFC.

Class news


Perhaps our most challenging maths lessons this week for year 5 was using the area method for multiplication. It was great- once we had mastered it! Year six have been doing the maths papers from last year as a warm up to their SATs on the week beginning 13th May. In English we have begun to draft a letter to a famous footballer which shows our concerns about the use of illegal child labour globally to make expensive football kits. We have also looked at primary and secondary sources in history as we have been studying the Minoan civilisation. Next week, we will look further into our science topic of Properties and Changes in Materials. (Mrs Clasby)


During this week, in Chestnut class we continued to investigate how life was in Roman times. Children designed their questions and used the Internet to research and find answers.

As Scientists, there was a buzz in the class when we investigated the way plants transport water through the stems to leaves. Children noticed changes in a celery stem when this was placed in coloured water.

I was impressed with the creative ideas shown in Art, RE and English, with children demonstrating through drawings, understanding of texts and/or discussions that took place in lessons. (Mrs Sanda)


Beech class have been Curious Cats, Creative Cheetahs and Collaborative Clownfish this week exploring Chrome Music Lab in their IT lessons. They first listened to Neptune, the Mystic from The Planets by Gustav Holst and drew coloured images based on what they could hear. Then they explored the Kandinsky page on Music Lab, creating their own masterpieces, culminating in a musical composition entitled ‘Space’. Some great team work and exciting representations! IT has also been a part of their art lessons this week where they had to use editing software to create an adapted image of an historical monarch. King Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I have never looked so colourful! (Mrs Rowley)


This week Hazel Class have been investigating the different parts of a plant, with Year 1 labelling the different parts and FS2 creating botanical drawings of sunflowers. We had an exciting afternoon with computing, the Year 1 children learning how to use the keyboard and write sentences, and FS2 using BeeBots to navigate maps. In Maths FS2 have been learning about manipulating shapes and rotating them to make new pictures. Year 1 have been learning about halves and how half is different to equal groups. In geography we have been continuing our work on the history of the school by looking at where the school is within the UK and drawing plans of the school. (Miss Buxton)

Diary dates  (dates in red have been added this week)


6th – 10th May All Key Stage 1 testing week
9th May 15.30 – 18.00 Year 2/3 Gillingham Schools Multiskills Festival
9th May 15.20 Year 6 sweet sales start
10th May 14.40 Year 6 cake and a cuppa sales start
10th May One session during the day per class Stour Provost Flower Club supporting with art-based activities linked to the Stour Provost Flower Festival.
13th – 16th May 4 days KS2 testing week
17th May All Day Pyjamarama Day
21st May 10.00 – 14.30 Year 3/4 Gillingham Schools mini tennis festival at Port Regis.
24th May Timings tbc Sports / Swimming Day
6th June Timings tbc Yrs 3 – 6 Gillingham School Athletics Competition at Yeovil
8th June Timings tbc Stour Provost Open Gardens – display at 2pm
10th – 16th June 1 week Phonic Screening week – year 1 pupils
19th June 13.45 M&M show and workshops
28th June 10.00 -12.00 Y2 Gillingham Schools Mini Olympics at St Gregory’s school
5th July Tbc School play dress rehearsal
8th July Tbc Jungle Book visiting performance
9th July 14.00 School play performance
10th July 9.00 – 12.00 Year 4/5 Gillingham Schools Swimming Gala at Riversmeet
10th July 16.00 School play performance
16th July 9.00 – 11.30 Year 6 girls PE transition project at Gillingham School (invitation only)
19th July 14.30 Leavers Assembly
19th July 15.20 Last day of school before the summer holiday
22nd July 2024   INSET DAY
23rd July 2024   INSET DAY

Best wishes,
