Dear Parents and Carers,
It was lovely to see so many families attending the Summer Barbeque on Friday. It was a great afternoon event with an assault course, circus activities, bouncy castles, face painting, photo booth, stalls, drinks and food. My heart felt thanks to all those who helped with the organisation, ‘manning stations’, tidying and to those who donated cakes, biscuits, toys, raffle prizes or simply their precious time – THANK YOU! You will be pleased too hear the event raised over £1000.
Medical Matters
As many of you will know we have had a substantial number of children with a rash, yet feeling generally well in themselves, going around the school for several weeks now. Although doctors and 111 advice has been suggesting this to be an allergy related rash, I believe due to the number of children affected there is something more. I have therefore gained advice from public health who suggest it is likely to be slap cheek. I outline the symptoms below and advice given by the government and NHS linked to slap cheek:
Slapped cheek syndrome (also called fifth disease or parvovirus B19) is a viral infection. It’s most common in children but it can affect people of any age. It usually a mild infection that causes a bright red rash on the cheeks and typically clears up by itself in 1 to 3 weeks.
However, slapped cheek syndrome can be more serious for some people. If you’re pregnant, have a blood disorder or a weakened immune system and have been exposed to the virus, you should get medical advice. Except for pregnant women, there is no recommendation for routine testing for parvovirus B19.
There has been an increase in reported cases of parvovirus B19 at the end of 2023 and beginning of 2024. It is seasonal and tends to peak in the spring/summer.
Symptoms usually involve a slightly high temperature, an upset stomach, a runny nose, sore throat and a headache. Parents may then observe a red rash on their child’s cheeks. A few days later, a spotty rash may develop on the chest, back, arms and legs. This often has a raised appearance and may be itchy, it can persist anywhere between one to three weeks. Occasionally, the body rash may come and go for a few weeks after the infection has passed. This can be triggered by exercise, heat, anxiety or stress.
Once you’ve had the infection, you’re usually immune to it for life.
The virus spreads by coughs and sneezes or by touching contaminated objects. To reduce the risk of spreading the virus wash your hands often with water and soap, use tissues to trap germs when you cough or sneeze and bin used tissues as quickly as possible. Unless your child is feeling unwell, they do not have to stay away from school once the rash has developed. The infection is no longer contagious by this point.
Here are some things you can do to manage the symptoms–
- drink plenty of fluids
- take paracetamol or ibuprofen- children under 16 shouldn’t take aspirin
- use an emollient (moisturising lotion) on itchy skin
- speak to a pharmacist about itchy skin
Please seek your own medical advice for your child/ren, yet it may be helpful to share with your practitioner that there is a high likelihood that your child has been in contact with someone at school with slap cheek.
Summer Play
The children put on a great performances on both Tuesday and Wednesday when performing the School summer play of ‘Post It’. Actors ranging from Year 4 to Year 6 spoke clearly and all pupils sang their hearts out. My thanks to Mrs House for her musical leadership and piano playing, to Superplants who loan replica plants for the set and Alex and Isla for help with set creation, painting and costumes. THANK YOU!
Year 4/5 Gillingham Schools Swimming Gala at Riversmeet
What a great morning we had at Riversmeet on Wednesday for the Gillingham Schools Swimming Gala. A selection of year 4 and 5 gave their all swimming in a variety of stroke races. Several children were medal winners, yet my congratulations to all who participated with such enthusiasm and good cheer! My thanks also to parents who helped with transport too!
I thought you might to see our leavers proudly wearing their personalised leavers hoodies. Leavers will be able to wear their hoodies for the final week of school. We look forward to celebrating the achievements of our leavers on Friday at 14.30 at the ‘Leavers Assembly’. All are most welcome to attend.
Lego Club
This week the children were challenged with making a palm tree for a desert island. Winners this week were Brett and Jacob, collaboratively working to complete their tree and then Max won with a palm tree with roots.
Year 2 Fashion Show – Monday 14.45 in the Hall – all welcome.
Praise and Celebrate Assembly – Thursday 9am – Our last Praise and Celebrate Assembly for the year.
Year 6 leavers swim – Thursday 15.30 – 16. 15.
Leavers Assembly – Friday 14.30 – all welcome.
School Clubs
Breakfast and After School Club can be booked online at: (Select Stower Provost Community School in the specific venue box and scroll down to Wraparound Care.
Class news
This week
In the last couple of days we have been completing our persuasive letters and editing them. The children were very engaged in the task and have learnt a lot from it. In maths, we have been continuing that fluency with number operations which has been helpful to them. We also discussed the Five Ks in Sikhism and marvelled not only at the Golden Temple of Amritsar, but at the volunteering which goes on there, serving up to 100,000 free meals a day to anyone at all. Volunteering and service are a big part of Sikhism. We linked this back to one of our PSHE assemblies where we looked at the power of volunteering to improve our mental health and wellbeing. Next week, we are looking forward to practising our leavers songs and watching the Percy Jackson film which links to our Ancient Greece topic. (Mrs Clasby)
This week
This week, Beech class have been continuing to recap previous learning and developing different strategies to support their understanding. In English, the children have been investigating key features which need to be included in our non-chronological reports about ‘Big Cats’.
Throughout this week, the children have enjoyed lots of swimming sessions and were very sensible and respectful during our PSHE sessions.
This week
It has been a busy week in Hazel Class, completing our half termly phonics assessments, swimming and learning about pets. In Science and UtW the children have been learning about butterflies and what it takes to keep them as pets. The children researched and investigated their questions to consolidate their learning. We have had some amazing progress in the swimming pool, with the children growing in confidence and ability. As part of our History this term, the children have been learning about life in the Victorian Era. To finish off this piece of learning the children have learnt about Samuel Wilderspin, the man who invented the school playground. (Miss Buxton)
This week
It has been a busy week in Hazel Class, completing our half termly phonics assessments, swimming and learning about pets. In Science and UtW the children have been learning about butterflies and what it takes to keep them as pets. The children researched and investigated their questions to consolidate their learning.
We have had some amazing progress in the swimming pool, with the children growing in confidence and ability.
As part of our History this term, the children have been learning about life in the Victorian Era. To finish off this piece of learning the children have learnt about Samuel Wilderspin, the man who invented the school playground. (Miss Buxton)
Diary dates (dates in red have been added this week)
Date to be confirmed for the School Council’s fundraising event for World Vision – Happy Hair Day £1 donation
15th July | 9.00 – 11.30 | Year 6 girls PE transition project at Gillingham School (invitation only) |
15th July | 14.45 – 15.10 | Year 2 Fashion Show |
18th July | 09.00 | Praise and Celebrate Assembly – last for the academic year |
18th July | 15.30 – 16.15 | Year 6 Leavers swim |
19th July | 14.30 | Leavers Assembly |
19th July | 15.20 | Last day of school before the summer holiday |
22nd July 2024 | INSET DAY | |
23rd July 2024 | INSET DAY | |
3rd & 4th Sept 2024 | INSET DAYS for staff | |
5th Sept 2024 | 08.50 | Start of the school term |
Best wishes,
Mrs B