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October 2, 2024 Sandy Pike

Dear Parents and Carers,

The weather has certainly taken a turn, and due to this, I have decided to close the pool for the winter. The air source heat pumps were working hard to keep the pool up to temperature, however the outside temperature would make it certainly a ‘fresh dip’.

I believe swimming is a basic life skill and am keen for all our children to have water confidence and offer opportunities for swimming / stroke development. Over a year ago the children had the opportunity to swim during the winter months, as well as experience gymnastics in an Olympic style gymnasium, taught by qualified coaches at Port Regis, Motcombe. The children loved the experience and many have asked when they will have the opportunity to return.

I managed to secured a swimming and gym session at Port Regis, between 1 – 2pm on a Monday, from 6th January (the first day back to school) for the spring term. Children in Oak and Chestnut class will swim and gym first for a 6-week block, followed by those in Beech and Hazel class after half term. Children will be transported by coach to and from Port Regis.

There are various regulations linked to the Sports Funding we receive from government, meaning finance can be used to fund the transport and gymnastic sessions, however swimming is not covered by the funding, therefore a voluntary contribution of £25 is suggested per 6-week block, to cover the cost of the pool hire and swimming teaching staff. I hope you feel this is good value for money, as well as being a great opportunity for the children. If you have any queries regarding this venture, do please let me know.



This week our assemblies have focused on:

Monday:          Recognising sounds and sign language

Tuesday:          Friendship

Wednesday:     KS2 Start Small, Dream Big afternoon

Thursday:         House points

Friday:             MacMillian Coffee Morning – what’s it all about?

MacMillan Coffee Morning

My thanks to PTFA members who ran prepared teas, coffees and cakes for the MacMillan Coffee Morning on Friday.

Start Small, Dream Big

Key Stage 2 pupils experienced the first, in a number, of Start Small, Dream afternoons.  Children enjoyed talks about opportunities and the varied careers on offer within the army, and heard about what it entails to be a vet. The children showed great interest, asking an array of well-considered questions. My thanks to Noah and Mark who gave up their time to talk to the children, as well as listen to various anecdotes, particularly linked to animal aliments!

If you would be interested and able to offer your services, do please let me know, as we will be holding further careers-based afternoons in the forthcoming months and terms. The broader the offering the better it will be for the children!

Lego Club

The children were challenged with making a chariot this week in Lego Club. This week’s winners were Jasper and Dulcie.


Y1,2,3 Multi Sports – Wednesday

Due to low numbers we have been unable to run this club – if there are more children who would like to join, please see Mrs Pike before Wednesday, unfortunately we will have to cancel the club if there is not enough interest.

Parent Meetings

A reminder that we have parent meetings running on Monday and Tuesday. If you haven’t already booked your time slot, please contact Mrs Pike.

Second hand uniform

Second hand uniform will be put out on both parent meeting sessions, so parents can search for any items of uniform they require. A donation of £1 – £2 is suggested for any Stower Provost embroidered uniform items.


All parents are warmly invited to an Introduction to Read, Write Inc Phonics on Wednesday 2nd October from 3.30 – 4.15pm. This is an opportunity for parents and carers to learn about the phonics scheme we use in school, and to ask any questions relating to how best to support children on their reading journey.

Harvest Festival

All parents and carers are invited to attend our harvest festival on Thursday 3rd Oct 09.00 – 09.30, in the school hall. Cans and dried food donations would be welcomed, with all donations being donated to the Gillingham Food Bank.


Asda ‘Cash pot for schools’

You may be aware that Asda supermarket have launched a “Cash pot for schools” incentive. Every time a person shops at Asda, the store will donate to that individual’s chosen school.

If you shop at Asda then do please signed up and select Stower Provost from the list. So far £59.95 has been raised for the school. There are over 60 days remaining so do please shop, select the school from the list and help raise funds. Thank you.


Just a brief reminder that homework will be sent home on a Thursday and should be handed in by the following Tuesday at the latest.

Homework will consist of three elements:

  • Reading
  • Maths
  • Spellings

If you have any queries regarding homework, do please speak to your child’s class teacher. I thank you in advance for your support with encouraging your child/ren to complete their homework.


A reminder that there is a ‘Light Party’ on 30th October at East Stour Church, SP8 5LP, running 4 – 5.30pm, run by Reverend Clare and Fiona.


Oak Class

This week, Oak Class had their final swim in our pool this year. The pool was lovely and warm despite the weather beginning to cool. In Art this week, the children have been learning more about compositional effects, including scale and perspective as well as using vocabulary such as vanishing point, horizon, foreground and background. Next week we will be combining our learning about colour theory and composition to create our final landscape painting, using tones, tints and shades to create even more depth in our work. In French we have been learning the days of the week and months of the year in order to be able to say when our birthday is. In Maths this week, we have been continuing to learn about angles, estimating, measuring and calculating them. Finally, in Computing, we have been learning about computer systems and networks. We have learnt about Internet Protocol addresses (IP) and how data packets travel from one computer to another. Have a lovely weekend. (Mrs Toy)

Chestnut Class

In Science this week, we focused on learning about the different organs that are part of digestive system, their function and structure.

In RE, we explored a Hindu story about Krishna and identified what made him special. We also looked at other religions where babies are special.

In English, we used expanded noun phrases and adverbs in our play script.  In Maths, we are continuing to focus on Numbers and number lines, particularly finding out the value of an interval when the start of the number line is not 0.  (Mrs Sanda)

Beech Class

Yet another great week in Beech Class, it has definitely been a wet one.

Beech class have been working super hard in English this week, with their writing culminating in a first draft of their independent write about Grace Darling.  In Maths, the children have finished their first topic of Place Value up to 20 and have started to look at Addition and Subtraction.

Throughout this week, the children have engaged in their afternoon lessons with lots of enthusiasm. The children have explored timelines of our significant people as well as how to read maps using keys. (Mrs Whelan)

Hazel Class

This week in Hazel Class has been very busy, we have been on a conker hunt, a bug hunt, an Autumn hunt and learnt how to be friends. We visited Forest School to look for signs of Autumn and whilst there we looked for the bugs and insects that brave the cold, the children found crane flies, woodlice and snails. Whilst down in Forest School we went pond dipping and looked at creatures that we have living in the pond and found diving beetles, pond snails and newts.

As part of our learning this half term, we have been focusing on friendships this week. The children have talked about what makes a good friend, how the children can make friends and most importantly they created a friendship recipe and a friendship rainbow! (Miss Buxton)

Forest School

Tree identification has been the focus this week for Hazel, Beech and Chestnut classes, while Oak class have been learning how to tie a number of basic knots.

Diary Dates

30th Sept


16.30 – 19.00 Parent Meetings (in the hall)

Second hand uniform on sale in the corridor

1st Oct –


15.30 – 17.30 Parent Meetings (in the hall)

Second hand uniform on sale in the corridor

2nd Oct 15.30 – 16.15 Introduction to Read Write Inc session for parents
3rd Oct


09.00 Harvest Festival with songs and ditties
8th Oct 09.00 all day and overnight Year 5 & 6 trip to the Ancient Technology Centre, returning to school 11.00 on 9th Oct for lessons.
9th Oct 09.00 – 4.30 Year 3 & 4 day trip to the Ancient Technology Centre.
25th Oct


6th Nov   Well being afternoon focus


13th Nov 13.00 – 15.05 Start Small, Dream Big afternoon (Chestnut and Oak classes)
15 Nov All day Children in need – children may wear something spotty to school.


10th Dec 14.00 Nativity


11th Dec 16.00 Nativity


13th Dec All day Christmas Jumper Day


13th Dec 14.05 Final Praise & Celebrate assembly for the term.


19th Dec 14.55 Carols and last day of term



As ever if you have any questions or queries, do please ask and Mrs Pike, class teachers or I will be happy to help.

Best wishes,

Mrs B