11th June 2015
Dear All,
The news about classes and arrangements for next September is in a separate letter to this edition. The staff and governors have given this serious consideration and contemplation. As it says in the additional letter we hold the educational needs of your child as vitally important and central to everything we do. Your support with these forthcoming changes is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Kind Regards
Martin Marshall
Hall of Fame! Certificate Winners last week of last half term.
Our stars of the week this week for overcoming challenges are Daniel (Conkers), Sam (Hazels), Ellie (Acorns) and Max (Oaks).
Jake received his silver certificate and Rosie received her gold certificate (Chestnuts).
The Year 4’s recently took part in a Kwik cricket competition at Bryanston and the Year 6’s went to Shillingstone to compete in another Kwik cricket competition. Well done to both groups who both improved their bowling and fielding skills throughout the day and showed great sportsmanship!
Ollie (Acorns) recently inspired another pupil to undertake a new sport – Karate, so Blue Peter have re-warded Ollie with a sports Blue Peter badge.
Remember if you have achieved something out of school and would like to bring it in, we will celebrate it!
Remember it’s the PTFA Treasure Hunt on Friday 19th starting from school from 3.30pm. It’s £5 a car and bring along a picnic. Please support and make the most of the good weather!
After School Club – Its not too late to sign your child up for the after school club at Stower Vale Pre School. Pick up details from the school office or phone the Pre School directly on 01747 839942
Calling all gardeners!
It’s June and everything has started to grow in our school garden. Lorna, who runs the gardening club on Fridays, would like to get a working party together in order to get the new growth under control! If you have an hour or two to spare could you please coming along on Friday 19th June from 9am. There will be cakes and refreshments provided. Please support this great facility. Thank you!
Late for school – A reminder that the school day starts at 9.00am and that if your child comes into school after that time they will be marked as late in the register and will therefore not have 100% attendance.
And Finally…..
There have been several incidents in the school car park in the past week. There have been some bumps and scrapes of cars. Please be careful and considerate of other users and that if you do happen to accidently bump into another car please inform reception or the car owner, this is common courtesy. I know we are restricted by the size of our car park, I am looking into this but there is little scope to change it. Please be careful when driving in the car park it would be tragic if the next ‘bump’ was a child! Thank you.