Our stars of the week are Rowan (Oaks), Leighton (Acorns), Rubeckia (Conkers) and Corleigh (Chestnuts).
Bronze certificates were awarded to George M, Betsy, Roxy, Ellie C from Acorn class. Rhada and Thea from Oaks Class. Well done!
The attendance certificate went to Oaks class for 98% attendance this week.
The spick and span award was awarded to Acorn class.
A large number of pupils received their reading challenge certificates for taking part in the local library reading challenge over the summer holidays! Almost half of the school received a certificate which is excellent!
Emilie has received her stage 5 swimming certificate and Daisy received her stage 8 swimming certificate.
We also sang Happy Birthday to Alanah and Mrs Peat who both had birthdays during the last week.