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March 29, 2018 Sandy Pike

16th March 2018

 Dear Parents and Carers

In our recent letter we promised to keep you informed about the appointment of a new substantive Head Teacher for our lovely school. We have been working hard to appoint the right candidate and following a rigorous interview process it is with great pleasure that I am writing to inform you that an appointment has now been made. One candidate met the requirements of the post, both personally and professionally and we are delighted to announce that the appointment committee offered the job to Mr James Stanford with immediate effect.

Governors were unanimous in their decision to appoint Mr Stanford and are excited that we have been able to appoint such a strong candidate who will lead the school as it continues to go from strength to strength. He has over 14 years experience as a Head Teacher, is passionate about our school and is committed to providing the best education possible for all children. He has already taken a central role in shaping improvements across the school during his time as Acting Head Teacher and is extremely well placed to continue our journey and has a clear mandate to lead us forward.  The school could not be in safer hands.

The Governors would like to take this opportunity to thank the children, teachers and staff who participated in the interview process.


Yours sincerely,


Vanessa Lucas

Chair of Governors