Welcome from the Chair
Welcome to the governors’ section of the website.
As a governing board we are proud of our school and wish all pupils to achieve well, be happy in the school, and when they leave to look back on their primary years with fondness.
As governors we take our responsibilities very seriously. We have three main duties, which are
- to set the vision and direction in which we want the school to go,
- to hold the school to account for its performance
- to ensure its financial security.
We do this at our full governing board meetings, by visiting the school and talking to pupils and staff and in our committees.
As governors we wish to maintain and foster good communication with our parents but of course the day to day running of the school rests with our head teacher. Should you wish to contact me my email address is: chair@stowerprovost.dorset.sch.uk
Our Governing Board
With effect from 27th November 2019, our Governing Board reconstituted in accordance with the 2012 Constitution Regulations. The opportunity provided by this requirement was taken to review and evaluate the effectiveness of the Governing Board and ensure that its constitution and membership is fit for purpose. The primary consideration in the appointment and election of new governors is the skills and experience that the Governing Board needs to be effective. The new constitution of the Governing Board can be seen below.
The Constitution of the Governing Board of Stower Provost Community School 2024 – 2025

Summary of Relevant Business and Pecuniary Interests of Governors at Stower Provost Community School 2024-2025

Attendance Register of the Governing Body of Stower Provost Community School 2023-2024

Governor Directory
Contact details of the Clerk:
Upcoming Vacancies
We currently have a vacancy for 2 x Parent Governors
If you are interested in joining the Governing Board, please contact the Clerk: clerk@stowerprovost.dorset.sch.uk
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why does the school need a Governing Body?
Governing Bodies represent the public interest in the running of the school. All our governors work closely with the staff and the Local Authority to help the school provide the best possible education for all children.
2. What are the Governors' main responsibilities?
Developing and overseeing the School’s development plan every year as well as managing more long term planning, monitoring the school budget, overseeing the curriculum and the school premises and being involved with the appointment of staff.
3. Do governors have individual responsibilities?
There are named governors for Literacy, Numeracy, ICT, the Creative Curriculum and SEN. They liaise with teaching staff and arrange visits connected with their specific areas. Nominated Governors also ensure that the school meets its Safeguarding and Health & Safety responsibilities.
4. Is the school Governing Body accountable?
Yes, to parents, the Local Authority and the wider community.
5. Are Governors in charge of the day to day management of the school?
No, this is the responsibility of the Headteacher, who is also a member of the Governing Body.
6. Can Governors make decisions on school policy?
In certain areas and in conjunction with the Headteacher and staff as appropriate. All Governors are equal and share corporate responsibility for decision making. They do not make policy as individuals.
7. Do Governors require any formal qualification to fulfil their role?
No. Enthusiasm, commitment and the ability to work as part of a team are the most important attributes. Governors regularly complete National Governance Association training courses and other recommended courses delivered by other providers. All governors are required to complete safeguarding training within the first year of taking office.
8. Are Governors paid?
No. Governors give their time voluntarily and share a common desire to act in the best interests of the school and its pupils at all times.
9. What is a Governor’s usual term of office?
A Governor’s term of office is four years.
10. I am interested in becoming a Governor, how can I join the Governing Body?
As vacancies arise, they are advertised in school newsletters and on the website. You then register your interest with our Clerk: clerk@stowerprovost.dorset.sch.uk. If there is more than one applicant for a vacancy, then an election will be held.
11. How can I inform the Governing Body of any concern I may have?
Via our annual Parent Questionnaire, annual Parents Meeting or contact our Clerk to the Governors: clerk@stowerprovost.dorset.sch.uk, or our Chair of Governors Vanessa Lucas via the school office.
DOWNLOAD – Governors’ Visits Policy
DOWNLOAD – Premises Panel Remit Amended
DOWNLOAD – Resources Committee Terms of Reference
DOWNLOAD – HTPM Committee Terms of Reference
DOWNLOAD – Pay Panel Terms of Reference
DOWNLOAD – Stower Provost Code of Conduct
DOWNLOAD – Teaching & Learning, Curriculum and Well Being Committee Terms of Reference