SATS Results
Children take Standard Attainment Tests (SATS) in May of Year 2 and Year 6. There is also a Baseline Assessment in Reception, the Year 1 Phonics Screening and the Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check. Due to Covid, the tests were not taken in 2020 or 2021, and the results will not be published for 2022.
This table shows our pupils’ achievement in the National Assessments (SATS) for the last three years of reporting (2017 – 2019). The results for 2019, the most recent nationally published, placed us 8th out of 157 schools in Dorset for attainment at the expected standard at Key Stage 2 and 14th for working at the higher level (Greater Depth). We are delighted with the improvement in progress and attainment of our oldest children, which has continued during the pandemic, and indicates how well prepared academically they are for the next stage in their education.
If you would like any further information on our standards, please contact the school office.
If you wish to compare our results with other local schools please go to government website or

Our last Ofsted inspection took place on the 25th and 26th of January 2023. The school was judged to be Requires Improvement. The following areas were judged as Good: Behaviour and Attitudes; Personal Development and Early Years.
To read the report in full CLICK HERE

International School Award
We are delighted to have been awarded the Foundation Level of this prestigious British Council award. As we travel through the stages of the award, the children will gain:
- an increased knowledge, awareness and tolerance about other countries, cultures and languages,
- confidence in communicating with people from different backgrounds,
- more skills to successfully live and work in a global and mobile society,
- literacy skills when writing stories and letters for specifics audiences
- a developing confidence with their foreign language skills.Our school has links with a partner school in Chogoria, Kenya, and our children have shared a number of projects with theirs. The next major excitement in the project is for a teacher exchange, with members of staff from each school travelling to see how education systems differ in such diverse locations.

Eco Schools
Stower Provost has achieved the silver Eco Schools award for its work on the nine topics:-
School grounds
Healthy living
Global citizenship
Our most recent project has been the development of the conservation area including installing a pond, a bird hide and building a stone bench. Parents and governors also helped to plant tyres with bulbs and flowers, put up some bird boxes, plant various shrubs and a hedge and erect a fence around the pond area.

Healthy Schools
Stower Provost School is officially a Healthy School! We have met the criteria and provided evidence of Healthy Eating, Physical Activity, Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Emotional Health and Well-being.
We first achieved this award in March 2009 and have continued to promote healthy lifestyles through the Curriculum e.g. PE and games, SEAL ( Social Emotional Aspects of Learning), PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) and making full use of our fantastic school sports facilities. Providing healthy school meals sourced with fresh local ingredients and offering a breakfast club are also central to our approach.

Woodland Trust – Bronze Award
Stower Provost School is pleased to have been awarded the Bronze Award from the Woodland Trust Green Tree Schools Award scheme, which encourages outdoor learning and inspires pupils about trees, woods and wildlife. As a school, we will now be working towards the Silver Award, with children taking part in fun, practical projects while helping the environment and improving our grounds to gain the award.

Active Mark
The Active Mark award is a national benchmark to which all schools aspire. It demonstrates that physical activity has a high profile within the school and that all children have access to good quality games and PE. We achieved this award originally in 2008 and continue to uphold those standards recognising the amount of effort and time we put into encouraging the children to be active and fit. At Stower Provost we are lucky to have extensive playing fields, a climbing wall, a play trail and fantastic outdoor swimming pool.