The School Building
The original school buildings date from 1850. The Year 6 classroom is the original school room with high ceilings and windows. The site has been added to over the years and there are now 5 classrooms, a library, and a large indoor hall used for assemblies, meal times, drama and games, including dance and gymnastics.

Outside Space
The school is situated on a beautiful and extensive site with large playing fields that are used for all sporting activities including football, hockey, rugby, running, cricket and athletics, and our annual sports day.
The field provides a full size football pitch in the winter and sports running track and rounders pitch in the summer. There is also a tennis court, a climbing wall, a netball court, sandpit, outdoor classroom, pergola shaded quiet area and an adventure playground.
At the bottom of the field is our wind turbine which demonstrates our commitment to green energy, alongside the photovoltaic cells, air source heat pumps for the swimming pool and the biomass boilers. Now that any additional electricity we need is generated from green sources, we are proud to say our school uses 100% renewable energy!
Our garden was originally set up by parents and is very popular with the children who grow a variety of fruit and vegetables.
At the front of the school, a wonderful raised stage, complete with grand story-telling chair, provides opportunities for our older children to practise their public speaking, recite poems and put on their own plays, their audience relaxing on the purpose-built bleachers!

The Swimming Pool
The school has its own outdoor swimming pool in which the children are encouraged to develop water confidence and taught the basic techniques of swimming. Older children have a series of lessons in a deep water pool at a local private school to develop and improve their swimming skills and stamina.

The Forest School / Conservation Area
We have a lovely forest school area that has been developed recently with the help of parents, staff, children and governors. It includes a pond area, a wild flower meadow and a newly planted hedge. The children make use of this resource to aid their learning about the plants and animals in their local habitat.

The Pre-School
The Stour Vale Pre-school is situated in the school grounds. Although independent from the school we have very close links and almost all children who attend Pre-school graduate to Stower Provost at age 4 plus. The Pre-school children make regular visits as part of a smooth transition and a teacher and governor sit on the preschool committee. For more information please visit the Pre-school website:

Parent & Toddler Group
The Parent and Toddler Group meets every Wednesday morning, a fun, friendly and relaxed group for parents and carers with children from 0 – 4. They meet in the school hall making the most of this great space to run around and have fun with access to a safe outdoor play area & adventure playground.
- Messy play, painting and crafts as well as a wide selection of toys
- Regular play and craft sessions with the Pre-school
- Healthy snacks (and a cuppa for the adults!)
- Wednesday mornings 9.00 – 11.30, £2.00 per family – First session free!
Ring Claire on 01747 839942, contact the Pre-school or just come along.
There’s something for everyone so come and join in the fun!