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Outdoor learning 17.01.20 Poetry workshop 2 of 2

Outdoor learning 17.01.20 Poetry workshop 2 of 2
January 19, 2020 Kate Hillam

The children began the session warming up with a game of moths and bats. The blindfolded bats were very trusting and very successful at catching their prey.


Next the children warmed up their poetry brains with an exercise that involved looking in their surroundings for natural things that happen silently. Wonderfully, while the children were looking, a rainbow appeared above the school offering extra inspiration. The children each constructed a sentence around their thoughts and put them together in a poem which could only be called…

The silence of the rainbow

The wind blowing like a fan.

The rainbow shining brightly.

Worms digging in the ground.

You can hear the rain falling down.

The rainbow came up as silently as a spider.

The spiders making webs in the trees.

The owl gliding through the air silently.

A bird waiting for it’s prey.

The birds tweeting in silence.

Worms digging in the grass.

The air and rain silently gliding and the rainbow gliding down.

The squirrel climbing the tree.

The rainbow fading away.

The flowers are growing.

Finally the children completed the poems they started last week by adding group movements to the noises they identified. The completed piece was a great example of performance poetry.