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Oaks assembly

Oaks assembly
March 18, 2016 Ailsa Boardman Hirst

The assembly started with whole of Oaks reciting The Highwayman poem by Alfred Noise complete with actions!

The pupils shared their English writing, drama and art work they have produced from the Highwayman poem.

Oaks have really enjoyed unpicking the different elements to the poem and learning about onomatopoeia, smilies and metaphors.

First person writing from the point of one of the characters was undertaken by pupils, including Ebony, Connor, Jess, Cameron and Ella, who read their work well during the assembly.

Pupils had to decide who they felt the hero of the poem was and had to write reasons why they felt this and used evidence in the book to support  their opinions.

The assembly finished with a final energetic performance of the poem!

Well done Oaks for a superb assembly.




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