Outdoor learning 31.01.20 making music 2 of 2
The warm-up exercise on this cold, windy day had the children taking it in turns to wear blindfolds and follow…
Outdoor learning 24.01.20 making music 1 of 2
Years 2 and 3 began their session with a warm up session trying to get a ball into the very…
Outdoor learning 17.01.20 Poetry workshop 2 of 2
The children began the session warming up with a game of moths and bats. The blindfolded bats were very trusting…
Outdoor learning 10.01.20 Poetry workshop 1 of 2
Years two and three warmed up their limbs and ears by learning rhythms on sticks and then using those rhythms…
Outdoor learning 6.12.19 Story sticks part 2
Warm-up involved playing keepy -uppy with the parachute and then a quick mushroom. Where did they all go?! The children…
Outdoor learning 29.11.19 story sticks
The warm up on this very cold bright day involved swapping places with a partner by travelling underneath the parachute.…
Forest school crafting
Years 4 and 5 spent a cold, bright outdoor learning session making crafts to demonstrate their skills for parents coming…
French Day
Chestnut class celebrated their French-themed Creative Curriculum with a French day. The children dressed up and took part in themed…
Bread making
Chestnut class designed and made their own bread rolls. They all concluded that their rolls were a success as they…
The whole school took part in an ABC cookery workshop today. Each class had a different cooking challenged linked to…