Oak summer activities
Binder1-SML (1) Click here to see: Cams in action!
Oak Class still hard at work…
Oak class cam – video (Year 5/6)
Maths-perimeter and area
Oak class have been using the markings on the hall floor to demonstrate their knowledge of perimeter and area of…
Maths-number lines
Oak class have been getting to grips with counting up and down in decimals and fractions through zero. The children…
Science – gravity and other forces
Oak class have been studying water resistance, air resistance, friction, gravity and associated forces. There have been experiments with parachutes…
Outdoor learning 6.12.19 Story sticks part 2
Warm-up involved playing keepy -uppy with the parachute and then a quick mushroom. Where did they all go?! The children…
Outdoor learning 29.11.19 story sticks
The warm up on this very cold bright day involved swapping places with a partner by travelling underneath the parachute.…