Tuesday 5th January 2021 Dear Parents and Carers I am writing to you with more information about our procedures for…
It’s Christmas!
The whole school joined in with Christmas jumper day on the last day of term. The riot of colour from…
Hats off to Chestnut Class
In Design & Technology Chestnut Class have been looking at the work of Coco Chanel and thinking about how clothes…
Newsletter 18th December 2020
Dear Parents and Carers As we reach the end of our Autumn Term I am writing to thank you all…
Hazel Class say ‘Ahoy!’
Hazel Class recently welcomed a hoard of hungry pirates. On arrival the pirates were captured and made to walk the…
Newsletter 2nd December 2020
Dear Parents and Carers I hope you and your families are keeping well. As we move into December and…
Coronavirus Guidelines for Parents and Carers
Coronavirus Guidelines for Parents and Carers (mailchi.mp)
Chestnut class – non-chronological writing
The children researched animals from the polar regions and then wrote reports based on questions they asked themselves.
Newsletter 20th November 2020
Dear Parents and Carers Attendance Congratulations to the 46 children who have managed 100% attendance this term. This brilliant figure…