See latest news for updates on Oak Class' Residential trip


  • Forest school crafting

    Years 4 and 5 spent a cold, bright outdoor learning session making crafts to demonstrate their skills for parents coming…

  • Newsletter 8th November 2019

    Dear Parents and Carers It is good to see the children back in school after the holiday looking refreshed and…

  • Pop-up Pumpkin club

    The PTFA hosted a one-off pumpkin carving event just before half term. The children designed and carved some wonderful pumpkin…

  • Bristol residential trip

    Oak Class had a packed residential trip with a visit to Science Museum, We The Curious and a evening boat…

  • Newsletter 25th October 2019

    This has been a very busy week in the run up to the half term holiday. After a packed residential…

  • French Day

    Chestnut class celebrated their French-themed Creative Curriculum with a French day. The children dressed up and took part in themed…

  • Newsletter 18th October 2019

    Friday 18th October 2019 Dear Parents and Carers Despite another week of persistent and heavy rain, the children have managed…

  • Celebration Assembly 18.10.19

    Star of the week Writer of the week Mathematician of the week

  • Vehicle Workshop

    We had super fun in Hazel class this morning with the help of some parents and carers. The children used…