See latest news for updates on Oak Class' Residential trip


  • Celebration assembly 11.5.18

    Our stars of the week this week were Phoebe (Conkers), Thomas H (Acorns), Sunny (Chestnuts) and Florence (Oaks) for a…

  • Forest school.

    Forest school was much warmer this week. After the safety talk we all got warmed up playing stuck in the…

  • Newsletter 4th May 2018

    Dear Parents and Carers Class Structure for 2018-19 I am now in a position to update you with our plans…

  • Celebration assembly 4.5.18

    Our stars of the week this week are Joshua (Conkers), Leo (Acorns), George M (Chestnuts) and Katie L (Oaks) for…

  • Cake sale

    Conker Class have been busy cooking cakes for the cake sale tomorrow. They are hoping to raise money to pay…

  • SPaG parent presentation

    This afternoon and evening the school held two SPaG presentations for parents to learn how spelling, punctuation and grammar is…

  • Forest School

    Conker and Acorn Class had an exciting start to Forest Schools. Each session starts with a health and safety talk…

  • Newsletter 27th April 2018

    Dear Parents and Carers It has been very good to see how well the children have settled back into school…

  • Newsletter 20th April 2018

      Dear Parents and Carers It is good to see the children all back in school after a rather damp…

  • Celebration assembly 20.4.18

    Our stars of the week this week are Ellie-Rae (Conkers), Ralph (Acorns), Miranda (Chestnuts) and Lucy (Oaks).   Silver reading certificates…