See latest news for updates on Oak Class' Residential trip


  • 16th March 2018  Dear Parents and Carers In our recent letter we promised to keep you informed about the appointment…

  • Easter assembly 28.3.18

    Today we shared our Easter assembly with friends and family of the school.🐰🌼🌷✨                                 …

  • Pre school visit

    Pre school made one of their regular visits and celebrated Easter with us. Everyone made Easter baskets to use on…

  • Cookery club

    Cookery club celebrated Easter by making Easter nests to share with their families.

  • Easter egg hunt

    A big thank you to our fantastic PTFA for our Easter egg hunt.

  • Brass concert

    Chestnut Class gave a concert for the whole school and their families. They showed us what they had been learning…

  • The importance of trees

    In assembly we found out about the significance of trees in the Easter story. We all received a palm cross…

  • Dear Parents and Carers This week started with a lot of excitement for the children, with the second bout of…

  • Celebration assembly 23.3.18

    Our stars of the week this week were Phoebe (Conkers), Oscar (Acorns), Ollie (Chestnuts) and Henry M Oaks).   George M…

  • Houses

    Conker Class have been enjoying the story of the Three little pigs. They found out about different houses and were…