See latest news for updates on Oak Class' Residential trip


  • Awards

    A silver award for behaviour and lots of bronze awards were given out today. Two children won reading awards .

  • Acorn Class assembly

    Today was Acorn Class assembly. They answered the question : Was King Henry a good king? At the end of…

  • The Reverend Richard told us about his different robes and when he uses them. He explained which ones he uses…

  • Celebration assembly 9.3.18

    Our stars of the week this week were Logan (Conkers), Thomas W (Acorns), Joel (Chestnuts) and David (Oaks) for knowing…

  • Newsletter 9th March 2018

    Dear Parents and Carers The last vestiges of snow have just disappeared from school, and, touch wood, everything has now…

  • Conker class assembly

    This morning Conker class held their class assembly for their parents. They have been learning about Dinosaurs.              …