Pre school
This week we went to visit pre school. We had great fun doing all the different harvest activities.
Magic marbles
We have all worked as a team to earn magic marbles. We chose to play games on the iPads and…
A walk a day
Everyday we put our welly boots on and go for a walk around the playing field during afternoon play. Today…
Harvest festival assembly
This morning we shared our harvest festival assembly with our parents and visitors.
Today we listened to the Stick Man story. We talked about our families and found out they were all different.…
Vegetable research!
Today we investigated what was inside the vegetables that Mrs Symonds had grown in her garden. We have been looking…
Snack club.
Today we made pear and cinnamon muffins because there were lots of pears that needed eating up. We used generic…
Grandparent afternoon
This afternoon we opened our doors to welcome our amazing grandparents. The children sang beautifully and then enjoyed a yummy…
School councillors
This morning Miss Gale announced our new school councillors in assembly this morning. They are; Oaks- Monty and Florence Chestnuts…