See latest news for updates on Oak Class' Residential trip


  • Newsletter 29th September 2017

    Dear Parents/Carers, It has been another purposeful week in school. It was so good to see lots of parents/carers enjoying…

  • Learning about shape

    Conker Class have been looking at and finding out about shapes. We are beginning to describe shapes. We loved playing…

  • We’e going on a bear hunt.

    Today Conker Class went on a bear hunt. We are getting really good at telling the story.

  • Flat bread and salsa dip.

    Conker Class tried another type of bread. They made flat bread and salsa dip with garden vegetables. They learnt how…

  • Harvest Festival

    Assemblies in October Celebration Assembly will be cancelled this Friday, 29th October as Dorset LA have requested that I attend…

  • French in Conker Class.

    Today we learnt to say some words in French. We found out how to say hello and goodbye, how to…

  • Newsletter 22nd September 2017

    Dear Parents/Carers, I’ve been able to get out of the office a little more this week, into classes and around…

  • Celebration assembly 22.9.17

    Our stars of the week this week are Corleigh (Oaks), Sunny (Chestnuts), Tilly (Acorns) and Finley (Conkers). ??🌟?   Rose…

  • Healthy snack club.

    Healthy snack club started today. Children are going to make a snack ready for playtime on Friday. This week we…

  • Banana bread.

    Today we made banana bread. We listened to the instructions and learnt about mixing, whisking, beating, mashing and creaming.