See latest news for updates on Oak Class' Residential trip


  • Celebrating Shabbat.

    We have been learning about Shabbat. Today we made Challah bread and tomorrow we will have our own Shabbat celebration.

  • Zoo lab.

    Pre- school came to visit and we all got to see zoo lab. We held Gary the snail and described…

  • Fantastic farm visit.

    Conker shad a wonderful time at the farm on our whole school visit. They learnt all about dairy farming and…

  • Celebration assembly 19.5.17

    Our stars of the week this week are Noah (Conkers), all of the Year 2 for their SATs and Monty…

  • Newsletter 27

    Last Friday, our ‘Stars of the Week’ were Ruby, Libby, Belle and all of Year 6 – for their positive…

  • Newsletter 26

    Friday 12th May 2017 Last Friday, our ‘Stars of the Week’ were Jake, Corleigh, Eleyna and Rubeckia. A Gold Certificate…

  • Bee talk 🐝🐝🐝

    This afternoon we were lucky enough to have had a very informative talk about bees from Mr.Whitfield. He shared his…

  • Celebration assembly 12.5.17

    Our stars of the week are Ruby (Chestnuts), Libby (Acorns), Bella (Conkers) and all of the Year 6 pupils for…

  • Magic marble celebration picnic.

    Conker Class chose to have a teddy bears picnic for their second class treat. Some of them came in their…

  • Newsletter 25

    5th May 2017 Dear Parents The first assembly of term featured a plethora of certificates from outside of school. Keanu…