Books from the book fair
Thank you to all of the families that recently bought books at the book fair. This meant that the school…
Celebration assembly 9.12.16
Our stars of the week this week are Jasper, Ellie C and Thomas. Bronze certificates were awarded to…
Newsletter 12
Dear All, It’s been another busy week at School. We had a visit from Ofsted this week to verify our…
Frosty day at Stower Provost School- 01.12.16
We enjoyed ourselves out in the frost on a chilly Thursday. …
Celebration Assembly 2.12.16
Our “stars of the week” this week were Oscar, joe and Henry. ⭐️ Our Bronze awards this week went…
Newsletter 11
Dear All, The 1st of December! Things are starting to get festive at school at the moment. I’d like to…
PTFA sapling planting
The PTFA recently planted a number of saplings generic xanax bars white purchased from the Woodland Trust. …
Celebration assembly 25.11.16
Our stars of week this week are Ralph (Conkers), Brody (Acorns), William (Chestnuts) and Katie (Oaks) for being a good…
Newsletter 10
Dear All, It’s been another busy week at School. We have had visits from two senior county advisers this week…