See latest news for updates on Oak Class' Residential trip


  • Books from the book fair

    Thank you to all of the families that recently bought books at the book fair. This meant that the school…

  • Celebration assembly 9.12.16

    Our stars of the week this week are Jasper, Ellie C and Thomas.       Bronze certificates were awarded to…

  • Newsletter 12

    Dear All, It’s been another busy week at School. We had a visit from Ofsted this week to verify our…

  • Christmas Bazaar Fun


  • Frosty day at Stower Provost School- 01.12.16

    We enjoyed ourselves out in the frost on a chilly Thursday.                                             …

  • Celebration Assembly 2.12.16

    Our “stars of the week” this week were Oscar, joe and Henry. ⭐️   Our Bronze awards this week went…

  • Newsletter 11

    Dear All, The 1st of December! Things are starting to get festive at school at the moment. I’d like to…

  • PTFA sapling planting

    The PTFA recently planted a number of saplings generic xanax bars white purchased from the Woodland Trust.              …

  • Celebration assembly 25.11.16

    Our stars of week this week are Ralph (Conkers), Brody (Acorns), William (Chestnuts) and Katie (Oaks) for being a good…

  • Newsletter 10

    Dear All, It’s been another busy week at School. We have had visits from two senior county advisers this week…