Welcome to the new term. The PTFA have been really busy over the summer break getting the outside space refurbished…
Celebration assembly 15.7.16
This morning Mr Marshall took a team of nine swimmers to a local swimming competition. Emilee won a gold medal…
Newsletter 38
July 14th 2016 Dear All, I have some fantastic news to share with you! We have finally made two outstanding…
Den Building day
A fantastic day was had by all staff and children during our den building day. Thank you to the many…
Newsletter 37
July 7th 2016 Dear All, Gosh it’s busy at the moment. This week we have had two visits from our…
Battle of the Somme assembly
Ollie kindly played his cornet for us this morning as part of our Battle of the Somme assembly. Mr…
Celebration assembly 1.7.16
Our stars of the week this week are Rose (Chestnuts), Ellie-Tailor (Acorns) and Leo (Conkers). Reading certificates were awarded to…
Newsletter 36
June 30th 2016 Dear All, The school needs you! – These are exciting times for our School and it’s essential…
M&m production of the Railway Children
This morning the children were treated to a fantastic production of The Railway Children by M & M productions. Edit…
Celebration assembly 10.6.16
Our stars of the week this week were Amelia (Conkers), Ellie (Acorns) and Rowan (Oaks). Summer (Chestnuts) received her gold…