See latest news for updates on Oak Class' Residential trip


  • Den Building day

    A fantastic day was had by all staff and children during our den building day. Thank you to the many…

  • Newsletter 37

    July 7th 2016 Dear All, Gosh it’s busy at the moment. This week we have had two visits from our…

  • Battle of the Somme assembly

      Ollie kindly played his cornet for us this morning as part of our Battle of the Somme assembly.  Mr…

  • Celebration assembly 1.7.16

    Our stars of the week this week are Rose (Chestnuts), Ellie-Tailor (Acorns) and Leo (Conkers). Reading certificates were awarded to…

  • Newsletter 36

    June 30th 2016 Dear All, The school needs you! – These are exciting times for our School and it’s essential…

  • M&m production of the Railway Children

    This morning the children were treated to a fantastic production of The Railway Children by M & M productions. Edit…

  • Celebration assembly 10.6.16

    Our stars of the week this week were Amelia (Conkers), Ellie (Acorns) and Rowan (Oaks). Summer (Chestnuts) received her gold…

  • Celebration Assembly 17.6.16

    Our stars of the week this week are Thomas, Monty, (Chestnuts) Robert (Oaks), Brody (Conkers) and Alanah (Conkers) for thoughtfully…

  • Newsletter 34

    June 17th 2016 Dear All, I have some exciting news for you! I have managed to acquire a Forest Schools…

  • Newsletter 33

    June 9th 2016 Dear All, Sorry about the delay on the newsletter, but we have no control over our power…