See latest news for updates on Oak Class' Residential trip


  • Celebration Assembly 20.5.16

    Our stars of the week were;           

  • Newsletter 31

    May 19th 2016 Dear All, The great news is that the swimming pool is nearly ready! If Environmental Health’s water test…

  • Pencelli 4

        is a very useful treatment for people having erection problems. But each time we remind to our patients…

  • Pencelli part 2


  • We have arrived safely!

    News from Pencelli. We have arrived safely!  Pupils were up lovely and early this morning (6am!) more news to follow.…

  • Look what has hatched!!

    Over the weekend two of our five eggs have hatched! The third egg is beginning to hatch so hopefully we…

  • Newsletter 30

    May 12th 2016 Dear All, After one ‘false start’ due to problems with the pool at Clayesmore, we sent a small…

  • Celebration Assembly 13.5.16

    Our stars of the week this week are Daniel (Oaks), Matthew (Chestnuts), Ollie (Chestnuts) and Rubeckia (Conkers). Rosie, Hannah, Emilee,…