See latest news for updates on Oak Class' Residential trip


  • Celebration assembly 20.11.15

    Our stars of the week this week were Rosie (Oaks), Rose (Chestnuts), Chloe (Acorns) and Henry (Conkers).  Bronze certificates were…

  • Newsletter 10

    19th November Dear All, Miss Gale and myself had the pleasure of taking twenty of our pupils to play netball…

  • Children in Need 13.11.15

    This morning the pupils kindly covered Pudsy the bear with all of their loose change raising an amazing £62.15 for…

  • Celebration assembly 13.11.15

    This morning Chestnut class held their class assembly ( see their class page for more details). Our stars of the…

  • Newsletter 9

    13th November 2015 Dear All, Thank you for attending the curriculum showcase on Friday. The atmosphere was amazing and the…

  • Remembrance Day 11.11.15

    This morning we held a two minute silence for Remembrance day. Mr Marshall began by reading the poem Flanders Fields.…

  • Newsletter 8

    6th November 2015 Dear All, Welcome back! We had a fantastic day at @ Bristol yesterday. The children had a…

  • Celebration assembly 6.11.15

                                Our stars of the week are Rowan (Oaks), Leighton (Acorns),…

  • Newsletter 7

    23rd October 2015 Dear All, I can’t quite believe it is almost half term already! The last eight weeks have…

  • Celebration Assembly 23.10.15

    Our stars of the week this week were;   Noah (Conkers), Owen (Acorns), Chloe (Chestnuts) and Cameron (Oaks).    Miranda and…