The person with overall responsibility for home learning is Mr Stanford.
If a child is not in attendance due to having to self-isolate, we will provide work on Microsoft Teams. Each child has a log-in user name, which looks like an e-mail address and password; please contact the office if you cannot locate it.
Please click the link here Providing remote education information to parents Jan 2021 to read how we are continuing to help the children carry on learning during periods of remote learning.
Teams is a brilliant way for the children to learn, but they do need to find their way round it. There is a basic guide here
Once the children have mastered the basics, there are many other useful tutorials here
The teachers will be uploading resources, tasks and assignments and will contact you and your children regularly to provide feedback, offer support and make sure the learning at home is as positive as it can be. Please give us feedback, too!
We have been sent guidance by the Dorset Safeguarding Team, which we will be following for our remote teaching. you can read their advice to schools here: Home-Learning-Live-Lesson-Advice
There are so many other ways to help your child carry on with learning at home, from traditional board games, cards and dominoes to the wide range of computer programs now on offer. If you are seeking inspiration for card games, there is a good range with rules on
Granny went to Market, Kim’s Game and Pairs are excellent for developing the memory, as is learning nursery rhymes, however old your child. How about a Nursery Rhyme a Day? A comprehensive list can be found on
Rapid recall of times tables is key to children’s success at maths. There are many on-line games to play to reinforce this skill, and you can generate your own challenges on .
For another on-line tables challenge, Top Marks is a favourite, and as with all of these, the children can challenge themselves to improve each day. For a range of fun activities in many subjects, go to
For some fun writing activities, why not try some of these ideas
Some companies have set up a ‘free’ subscription to their sites during potential school closures. One with a huge range of resources is Twinkl while others, such as BBC Bitesize is always available for free.
We do understand, though, that sometimes learning at home doesn’t go according to plan, but please don’t worry! Always contact us for help, either through the Class E-mail or via the office. Also, the Early Help team have sent some useful information across which is well worth a read:
Keeping Calm and Providing Supportive Parenting During the Coronavirus