Welcome to Oak Class
Children in Year 5 and 6 are members of Oak Class where, as the oldest members of the school, they thrive on additional responsibilities.
During the year, they are given opportunities to apply to be on the School Council, to lead their Houses as House Captains, and become buddies for the younger children. Delivering guided tours, ensuring the hall is ready for assemblies and organising playtime activities are just some of the ways we help the children prepare for life at secondary school.
There are more chances to represent the school in sporting activities in ‘Upper Key Stage 2,’ and music and drama events are opportunities for them to gain confidence performing in front of others.
A range of day and residential trips take place across the two-year programme, giving the children experiences difficult to provide in school, even with our extensive grounds and resources.
As the children move through the school, the pace of work in class increases and the amount of homework given rises, again in preparation for secondary school. Lessons are taught more in discrete subjects, though links between the subjects still enable us to offer a truly creative curriculum. This is all designed to be as fun and creative as possible and to help the children to build on their skills every day.
Click here for the Topic Web for Spring 2024-2025