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Physical Education

Curriculum Statement

PE Curriculum Statement


Information to follow…


Agility Fundamental Movement Skills Progression

Balance Fundamental Movement Skills Progression

Co-Ordination Fundamental Movement Skills Progression

Dynamic & Counter Balance Fundamental Movement Skills Progression

Fundamental Movement Skills Progression

At Stower Provost we encourage physical activity and have a range of outdoor facilities to help promote this during break times and PE lessons. These facilities consist of an upper playground with painted line games and a lower enclosed playground with a marked netball court. There is also a large playing field, climbing wall, adventure playground, sandpit and swimming pool. Our indoor facilities consist of a hall with fixed and portable gymnastic apparatus. PE plays an important part of the school curriculum at Stower Provost with all children taking part in at least 2 hours PE a week

There are several lunchtime and after school sports clubs including netball, football, tennis, rugby, hockey, swimming, athletics, rounders and cricket. Teams are formed to take part in matches with other schools and compete in local tournaments.

Primary Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity (PESSPA) Funding

The government provides schools with a ring-fenced budget to improve PE provision for all children. 

Schools are free to determine how best to use this funding to improve the quality and breadth of PE and sport provision, including increasing participation in PE and sport so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles and reach the performance levels of which they are capable.

Stower Provost will receive approximately £16,690 during the 2023/24 academic year.

Click here to see how we will be using the sports funding to improve the quality of PESSPA