We want all our children to develop attitudes necessary for their self fulfillment and development as active and responsible citizens. Pupils are expected to be courteous and well mannered.
At the beginning of each year we encourage children to discuss and create their own class charters based on agreed rights and responsibilities. This gives them ownership of the school rules. We reinforce this with a reward system of bronze, silver, gold and platinum certificates, Pupil of the Week awards and house points for politeness, helpfulness and good citizenship. 100% attendance is recognised at the end of each week and a special prize is given at the end of the academic year.
At Stower Provost we also offer children opportunities to take part in activities they may not normally encounter. This includes camping in the grounds for KS2 and in a residential trip for the older children either to Bristol City Centre to explore and experience life in an urban environment, or to a PGL Centre in North Devon to challenge themselves with adventurous activities. These types of activity can have a very positive effect in building children’s confidence and self-esteem and help in collaborative working. Many other day trips take place during the year linked to particular topics.