Our school aims to meet the individual needs and develop the full potential of every child in the school. Some children have special educational needs but not all children with special educational needs are children with learning difficulties and the very able child may also require individual support.
Initial identification of children’s needs is made by the class teacher who discusses concerns with the parents/carers and the SEND Co-ordinator. Individual education plans to support the child are drawn up and interventions are agreed. The advice and support of outside agencies may also be sought and sometimes assessments are arranged. Where necessary, the school can request that children are seen by the Audiologist or the Speech Therapist. The school has recently been adapted with acoustic facilities for hearing impaired children.
The Special Needs Co-ordinator liaises closely with all members of staff and ensures that the Governors are kept informed of the support work being undertaken.
Throughout the provision of learning support for all children with SEND there will be due regard for the Special Needs Code of Practice and the very important links between home and school.
If you want to read our SEND policy please see our SEN Policy and details of our approach in full please Click Here for our SEND Information Report.
You can also find further information on the ‘Dorset For You’ website: CLICK HERE.