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Newsletter 28th April 2023

Newsletter 28th April 2023
April 28, 2023 Sandy Pike

Dear Parents and Carers,

So, I may have jumped the gun rather with last week’s comment of “… a little bit of sun to warm the soul,” as it is pouring with rain and rather chilly as I write!

The April showers however have not damped the enthusiasm of the children nor their activity seen around school this week.

Diary Date Listing

Please be aware that the last day of term for the children is Thursday 20th July, with Friday 21st July being an in-service training day (INSET) for staff. My apologies for the error in last week’s newsletter diary date listing.

King’s Coronation Activities

On Friday 5th May, as part of our celebrations linked to the King’s Coronation, we invite the children to dress up as Kings, Queens, Courtiers or in royal regalia or Red, White and/or Blue.

Children in Beech Class wrote some persuasive letters and notes at the end of last term, requesting a banquet, so we will endeavour to decorate the hall for lunch, so they can enjoy their normal packed and cooked lunches in a bedecked banqueting hall!  During the afternoon the children will come together in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 groupings and enjoy an hour of revilement, including party games. I also know the PTFA have planned a few things as well to help the children remember the occasion.

PTFA Meeting

Please find the minutes of the meeting below.  The following dates

Main dates:

Friday 5th May – Decorating the hall for Coronation Banquet – 10.50 onwards. Helpers welcome!

Monday 22nd May – Next PTFA meeting in the library at 2.45pm

Thursday 25th May – Children’s Disco 5.30 – 7pm

Saturday 17th June – Jumble Sale in the school hall. Time tbc.

Friday 14th July – Summer Celebration on the school field 5 – 7pm


 … If you have an unusual vehicle

If you have an unusual vehicle (any mode of transport other than a car), the Miss Buxton would love to hear from you.

PE Kit

Just a polite reminder for PE kit to be returned to school following an after school sports club, or if the kit has been taken home for washing etc.  All sports and school clothing should be clearly named.  A clear name on the sports bag would also be helpful. Thank you in advance for your help and assistance with this.

Sept 2023 Reception Class parent’s invitation

Parents with children joining the school in our Reception Class are warmly invited to a ‘Welcome to Reception’ hour, where there will be the opportunity to meet Miss Buxton. There will also be a short Powerpoint explaining the EYFS curriculum and the opportunity to see the classroom environment where children will enjoy their first experiences of school life.  Children are welcome to join their parents for the ‘Welcome to Reception’ hour, prior to their first official visit to the classroom on Tuesday 6th June at 9.15 – 9.45.

Class News

Oak Class

This week, Oak class have been looking at different types of microorganisms, including fungi, viruses and bacteria. Year 6 have been using texts to infer things about characters by the acronym FAST – feel, act, speak and think and year 5 have been catching up with spelling patterns.  In maths, children have been looking at reflection across a variety of reflection lines in the x and y axes, as well as the diagonal. The children have all been writing about rainforests – with most using a non-chronological text format to create a piece of independent writing. Next week, the class are looking forward to observing bread go mouldy!

Chestnut Class

The children have created some lovely pieces of writing linked with their class reader, The Hodgeheg, demonstrating their understanding of some of the issues facing the hedgehog within the story.  In Maths Years 3 have been adding and subtracting fractions, whilst the Year 4’s have been developing their knowledge of hundredths. In Science the children investigated a variety of toothpastes to see which would remove a strain most effectively.  Next week in Geography the children will be learning about the different counties in the UK and comparing some of these.

Beech Class

The children have used the story of Handa’s Surprise, as a basis for their literacy activities this week, including creating story plans and writing a variety of descriptive pieces linked to the fruits and animals.

In RE children have been learning about the Muslim faith and what it means to be a Muslim, while in PSHE pupils have discussed friendships and what it means to be a good friend.

Hazel Class

The children have been continuing with their focus on space travel, which has included testing ‘space food’ (various dried fruits). Pupils have been learning about Curiousity – The Mars Rover and have made their own versions, that will be test on the virtual planet surfaces on our patio!

Hazel Class have been learning to read CCVC words and their understanding of vowels, consonants and adjacent consonants is developing well.

Next week the children will be

Diary dates for the forthcoming week and beyond

Friday assemblies 14.50 from this Friday


1st May


Bank holiday – school closed
2nd May 14.00 – 16.50 Beech Class parent meetings
3rd May 14.00 – 16.50 Beech Class parent meetings
5th May All day Coronation Celebration Day

Pupils are invited to dress up in royal regalia or red, white and/or blue.

8th May


Bank holiday – school closed
Monday 22nd May


14.45 PTFA meeting in the library
23rd May   Maths Day – pupils may dress up, as long as costumes have a link to maths e.g. a number or shape
25th May 17.30 – 19.00 Children’s Disco


26th May


15.20 Half term
5th June


08.40 Back to school
5th June 15.30 – 16.30 Sept 2023 Reception Class parents invited to a Welcome to Reception hour.
14th June


Afternoon Sports Day
17th June tbc PTFA Jumble Sale in the school hall
17th & 18th June


  Poetry & Art display in Stour Provost Church
21st June


Afternoon Sports Day reserve date
25th June –28th June


  Oak Class residential trip to Hooke Court
5th July


All day Year 6 Moving up day
5th July Morning School internal moving up day (current Reception – Year 5)
6th July


09.00 – 10.50 Moving up day for New Reception children


11th July


14.00 Play in the Hall
12th July


14.00 Play in the Hall
12th July


18.00 Play in the Hall
Friday 14th July


17.00 – 19.00 Summer Celebration on the school field.
18th July


14.30 Art Gallery – parents invited to come in and see children’s art and DT work through the classes.
20th July 15.20 End of Term for children
21st July




Best wishes

Ailsa Boardman-Hirst