Dear Parents and Carers
Most of the children have now finished their mid-term assessments and I have been very impressed with how they have all taken them in their stride. We use these assessments as a way to judge how well the children have remembered their learning, and to help us plan what to teach them next. It is good to note that everyone has tried their hardest and they should be very proud of their achievements.
Parent Forum
We held a very productive meeting on Wednesday morning, discussing the purpose of the group and sharing ideas of how we can keep improving the school. One of the key areas which have been raised is how we can improve communication of information and dates. These newsletters were seen as a valuable way for you to find out about events. Following our discussion, I will highlight key dates in these letters, and will try to ensure the website is kept current. With so many things happening each week, it is important you know which of them will affect your child. You can also subscribe to the calendar on a smart phone, instructions for which are on the website.
Another aspect covered was the choice of workshops sent home last term. The response has been overwhelming, with many requests for each of the workshop options. We will be starting the school-based ones later in the term with a maths calculations workshop – date to follow. Soon after half term, we are hosting an Internet Safety workshop for parents. This will be on Friday 14th June, 3:20pm. Parents who came to this event last year found it invaluable, and, even if you feel you have all systems in place to ensure the safety of your children on-line, it is thoroughly recommended for parents of children of all ages. Delivered by a police officer on the Safer Schools and Communities Team, this workshop, which lasts for about half an hour, is not suitable for the children, so we will be offering a crèche for the duration of the meeting. Children in Years 2 and 6 will have had an age-appropriate lesson with the officer during that afternoon, so it would be good if you could talk to them about what they have learnt.
Kwik Cricket
Well done to our Year 6 children who took part in the Year 6 Kwik Cricket Tournament in Sherborne this week. They played very well and, as always, were brilliant ambassadors for our school. Children in Year 5 will be taking part in a similar event on the first Friday back after half term, 7th June. Good luck!
Weather Protection
The cricket showed just how powerful the sun can be at this time of year, even though the forecast had suggested an overcast day. Please make sure the children have a sun-hat in school each day and have sun-cream applied before they come to school in the morning. This should last them all day but, if you would like them to have a small, travel-size container in school, please make sure it is named, that your children know how to apply it themselves, and that they know not to share it with anyone else.
Forest School
Next half term, Year 6 will be having their last block of Forest School lessons, each week starting at 9:00am. Please remind them to come to school in their FS clothes, but to bring their uniform with them. Reception and Year 1/2 will continue as before.
The pool is looking very inviting, with the water clear and already warm enough for steam to have risen from it today. Keeping it in this condition requires considerable time for staff, however, so I am looking to form a small band of helpers to work in rotation to lighten the load. If you can spare a half hour once or twice a week, at any time of the day or evening, to vacuum, skim and check the water, please let me know. Full training (it isn’t complicated…) will be given for what is, in fact, a very pleasant and rewarding job.
I hope you all have a very happy and relaxing half term holiday, and we look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Monday 3rd June.
With best wishes
James Stanford
Diary dates: | |
Tuesday 4th
Friday 7th
Wednesday 12th Friday 14th Wednesday 19th Friday 21st
Friday 28th |
KS1 Singing Festival at Clayesmore Forest School (Reception/Yr 1/Yr 2/Yr 6) Ice Cream Friday and PTFA film night 5-7pm Y5 Kwik Cricket KS2 Athletics at Yeovil* Internet Safety 3.20pm Dorset Schools Summer Games at Bryanston* Gospel Music Workshop Y3/4* Countryside Day @ Fonthill Estate Y5/6* INSET DAY |
Tuesday 2nd Wednesday 3rd Friday 5th Wednesday 10th Thursday 11th Friday 12th
Tuesday 16th Wednesday 17th Friday 19th
Monday 22nd and Tuesday 23rd
KS1 Mini Olympics Transition Day Sports Day School Production at 6.30pm School Production at 2.15 and 6.30pm Y4/5 Swimming Gala at Riversmeet PTFA BBQ Parents evening Parents evening Leavers Assembly LAST DAY OF TERM INSET Days (Please note, as staff have already received training in the evenings for more than the required number of sessions, the school will be closed on these days) |
*Information about these events will be shared after the half term holiday