We started the assembly with Conkers class assembly. See their class page for further details.
Our stars of the week this week are Eleyna (Acorns), Angus, Esme, Finlay, Alfie, Jacob and Tristan (Conkers), Matthew (Chestnuts) and Thea (Oaks).
Silver certificates were awarded to Esme, Dylan, Finley, Edward, Daniel, Angus, Henry, Jasper (Conkers) and Rowan and Rio (Oaks), Emilie, Chloe P and Summer (Chestnuts).
Bronze certificates were awarded to Matthew (Chestnuts).
The first gold certificate was awarded to Lucy (Chestnuts).
Group 3 shallow for swimming was awarded to Leighton (Acorns).
Level 6 for gymnastics was awarded to Isla (Chestnuts).
House points
Duncliffe had 57 points, Melbury had 75 points and Hambledon had 74 points.