Stars of the week this week are Finley (Conkers), Noah (Acorns), George T (Chestnuts) and Emilie (Oaks). 🌟⭐️✨👍 Jasper and Daniel (Chestnuts) and Joe (Oaks) received their bronze and silver reading certificates. 📚
Writers of the week this week were Logan (Conkers), Ethan (Acorns), Miranda (Chestnuts) and Corleigh (Oaks). 📚
We sang Happy birthday to Johnny and Owen. 🎂
The following children shared certificates they have received outside of school, level 5 swimming certificate Angus (Acorns), Group 1 swimming certificate Gilbert(Conkers) and Esme (Acorn) shared her certificate and medal that she received at her recent skiing lesson. North Dorset star of the week trophy was awarded to William (Oaks) 🏆
Last terms house point winners were Duncliffe. Well done children!🏆⭐️🌟
This week’s winners were Melbury! 🌟
Our street dance group represented the school well at a recent dance festival at Mere school.💃