Our stars of the week this week are Katie (Oaks), Poppy (Chestnuts), Annie (Acorns) and Esme (Conkers). ⭐️
Silver Reading certificates were awarded to Ashleigh, Joel and Ollie. 🌟
Super spellers. Jessica, Jasper and Tristan were awarded certificates for consistently high scores in their spellings this term.✏️
Jamie received his level one Bikeability certificate.🚲
A Bronze certificate was awarded to David (Oaks).💫
Silver certificates were awarded to Joel, Sam, William and Ellie-Tailor (Chestnuts). 💫
Gold certificates were awarded to Corleigh, Martha and Eden (Oaks).💫
The pupils who took part in the swimarathon event recently , swam 60 doubles lengths (3kms in total). Please remember to send in any sponsorship money that has still to be paid.🌊
Annie brought in her trophy that was awarded at cheerleading for trying her best! 🏆
A large number of children received their 100% attendance award for the spring term.
House points were 58 points Duncliffe, 52 points Melbury and 55 points Hambledon making Duncliffe the winning house.🌟✨