8th September
Dear All,
Welcome back to a New Year and New term. A special mention and welcome to all our new children, new parents and new teacher, Mrs Edmed that started this week. The reception children have settled well to their new school which is great news.
I need to start with a huge thank you. Following on from the success of the working party last term, parents and friends of the school, gave up their time in the summer break to do some jobs around the school. As a result the school environment is greatly enhanced and all our children benefit from all the hard work. We now have a fully functional Forest School area, a quiet area for break and lunchtimes, a very tidy vegetable garden, a refurbished climbing wall…and the list goes on. Thank you for all your efforts, to all involved. It really is appreciated.
With the new term comes new dates, please find a list of calendar dates attached, these will appear on the website shortly. I have a desire to reduce paper use as much as possible. Therefore I encourage you to provide up to date email addresses on the contact forms given out earlier this week. The intension is that as much as possible the Newsletter will become an e-letter and that if parents want a paper copy they will either need to request it from school or that they print it off themselves from the website/email.
Forrest Schools is starting next week and some further information is attached. Each year group will get two half terms throughout the year to have formal sessions with our Forest Schools teacher Mrs Beveridge. This half term it will be Year 5 and 6 and Year 1. They will go out whatever the weather so the change of clothes and or water proofs are essential! It should be a fantastic learning experience.
Kind regards
Martin Marshall
Football, Tennis and Street Dance clubs start next week, please see the attached letter to sign up. On offer this half term are;
Monday – Netball Club, Tuesday – Football Club, Wednesday – Tag Rugby Club, Thursday – Tennis Club, Friday – Street Dance Club.
Put the date in the diary- Diary dates attached
Phonics Meeting for Conkers Parents @ 6.30pm on Monday 12th September 2016. For all parents with children in reception or Year 1 that want to find out about how phonics is taught and how you can support your child’s reading at home.
Lunchtime Supervisor Needed – the school are looking to appoint a Lunchtime Supervisor to join our friendly and dedicated team. The role will involve setting up the lunch hall for the children, including putting up tables and benches; supervising the children whilst they eat and afterwards whilst they play outside. If you are interested further details can be sort from Mrs Pike in the office.
Helpful Parents – We are very lucky that we get support from volunteer parents and friends of the school, who help with listening to readers. We are also looking for volunteers to assist with helping children to learn their timetables. If you are interested in helping out again or would like to give it a try could you please express an interest with the class teacher. All help is gratefully received.
And Finally……
Just a reminder that a member of staff is on duty at the school entrance from 08:45 to 09:00, in order to answer any queries or to take messages which will be passed on to Mrs Pike or a teacher as appropriate. If you need to see your child’s teacher then please ask at the door. Do remember that the teacher may not be available – for example he or she might be out on ‘playground duty’. Also if there is a change to pick up arrangements for your child please can you make sure you inform school before pick up time, so that all parties are informed as to who your child is going home with. Thank you for your cooperation in this.
Diary dates for the Autumn Term 2016/17
Monday 12th Phonics meeting for Reception parents at 6.30pm
Monday 19th Life Education Bus
Friday 7th Harvest Assembly at 9am information sharing meeting afterwards.
Monday 10th Parents Evening 5 – 7pm
Thursday 13th Parents Evening 4 – 6pm
Thursday 20th Open morning for prospective parents 2017
Friday 21st INSET DAY
Half Term 24th to 28th October
Monday 31st RE week – Diwali Celebration – Art and dance workshops for all children.
Friday 4th Celebration Assembly at 9.15am – ‘Lighting the Way’ Curriculum Showcase 3.20pm
Friday 18th Children in Need – Spotacular! – Non school uniform.
Tuesday 29th Book Fair
– 2nd December
Friday 2nd Christmas Tree Assembly and PTFA Christmas Bazaar
Wednesday 7th Carol Concert at Stour Provost church with nativity tableaux, choir and musicians.
Thursday 8th Pantomime at the Octagon Yeovil
Monday 12th Christmas Nativity Reception/Yr 1 (times to be confirmed)
Tuesday 13th
Wednesday 14th Christmas lunch
Friday 16th Last day of term.