Dear All,
It’s been another busy week at School. We have had visits from two senior county advisers this week to evaluate progress towards our school development plan priorities. The priorities for this year are; to improve outcomes for pupils across the school in writing and mathematics, to ensure that the quality of teaching, learning and assessment is good or better and to strengthen leadership and management across the school. Both the advisers were pleased with the progress made so far towards developing these priorities this term. This is down to the hard work of all the staff, pupils and new governing board at the school. I‘m sure that you will have noticed the high expectations and standards of work in books and classrooms when you came to parents evening recently and again this is credited to the staff and pupils for the work they have put into creating a quality learning environment. A big well done and thank you to all the staff and pupils for this!
A big thankyou to all of you for donating a staggering £65 for Children in need and £45 for the Poppy Appeal. Amazing! Next week is the Christmas Tree Assembly on Friday 2nd December at 9.15am. Please do come along and celebrate the start of advent and the festive time, as we decorate our school Christmas tree.
I can’t believe it’s buy levitra next day delivery nearly December already! I look forward to seeing you all then.
Kind regards
Martin Marshall
Hall of Fame! Certificate Winners last week.
Our stars of the week this week were Eden (Oaks), George (Chestnuts), all of Acorn Class and Serena (Conkers). Some of Oaks class took part in the year 5/6 swimming gala at St Mary’s school and did very well bringing home lots of certificates. The children that took part were Matthew, Henry, Archie, Jago, Rosie, Emilie, Eden, Hannah and Rose. Our Attendance award went to Conkers class and our Spick and Span award was awarded to Chestnuts. We only had one Bronze award this week and that went to George (Chestnuts) Well done!
Put the date in the diary-
The Book Fair will be in school 29th November until 2nd December
PTFA Non School non-school uniform on Friday 25th November – Please bring in a filled jar of sweets for the Christmas Bazaar Hoopla Stall. Thank you.
And Finally……
Please remember shin pads for Football club. It is strongly advised that you child wears shin pads when playing football for their own safety. Thankyou.
Also another reminder about uniform please make sure that all uniform is named and your child has the correct foot wear and PE kit. Also as mentioned last week please send your child in with a coat, the weather is getting colder at the moment. Thankyou.