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Newsletter 13th September 2024

Newsletter 13th September 2024
September 13, 2024 Sandy Pike

Dear Parents,

How lovely it is to be back to school with all the children. Not only have we welcomed 9 new children and families to the school in a variety of classes, but also three new members of staff.  It has been a busy first week for all, getting to grips with new timetables, classroom environments and routines.  Well done to all I say!

I sent out an ‘epic’ start of term letter outlining works carried out during the holiday, staffing, homework expectations, new After School Club arrangements, Forest school, initiative (Start Small, Dream Big), after school club opportunities (Hobbies) and assembly information. I attach some information below particularly linked to the last four elements as some additions have been made. (If you have already read the ‘epic’ letter I suggest skipping to the Hobbies element!) My thanks to those who have already made contact with regards to the Start Small, Dream Big initiative.

Forest School

All classes will experience a weekly Forest School session this year. These will be led by myself and are planned to not only to link to class learning projects, but also encourage an appreciation, understanding and skills linked to the outdoors.

Pupils will be out and about, regardless of the weather, so please ensure your child has a coat, wet weather trousers and wellington boots in school each week. Hazel, Beech and Chestnut classes will have their Forest School session on a Monday, while Oak Class will have their session on a Friday afternoon.

Start Small, Dream Big

‘Start Small; Dream Big’ is a programme backed by the Department for Education (DfE) and delivered by schools, Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership, BCP Council, Dorset Council and The Careers & Enterprise Company.

The goal is to encourage children to dream big about their future careers and gain an understanding of the variety of jobs available and possible.

A series of half day experiences are planned, one per half term, please see the dates below for this term, where adults are invited to come in and talk about their jobs, and pupils have an opportunity to ask questions.

I am aiming for individuals to talk to a group of children for around 10 – 15 minutes, outlining the industry, what their job entails, skills or interests that are needed or useful, and possible routes into the industry. If you would be interested and able to offer your services, do please let me know. The broader the offering the better it will be for the children!

After School Sporting opportunities (Hobbies)

Prime Sports will be running three sporting clubs after school on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. These are heavily subsidised by the Sports Premium payment the school receives, however this year a contribution towards your child’s attendance is requested, with a cost of £10 per half term. Please sign your children up for the sporting opportunities with Mrs Pike in the school office.


Tuesdays Wednesdays Fridays
ASC – Girls Football 3:30-4:30pm ASC – Yr 1/2/3 Multi-skills 3:30-4:30pm ASC – Yr 4/5/6 Football 3:30-4.30pm


Along with the sporting hobbies the following hobbies are also available with booking through Mrs Pike.

Monday (starting Mon 16th Sept) Wednesday (starting Wed 25th Sept)
Sewing Club


3:30-4:30pm Max 6

3 week block £5

Gardening Club 3:30-4:30pm Max 6

3 week block £5



All are welcome to our Friday Praise and Celebrate assemblies 14.55 – 15.15.

This Week’s News


This week our assemblies have focused on:

Monday:          Where can reading take us?

Tuesday:          Well-Being

Wednesday:     Class assembly

Thursday:         House points

Friday:             Princess’s Trust

Lego Club

The challenge this week at Lego Club was to create a Roman Soldier. Max was our Monday winner, with Archie and Lily-Mae our Wednesday winners.

Max’s Roman Soldier              Archie and Lily-Mae’s       Roman Soldier

Class overviews

Oak Class

It is almost like the children have never been away. They have worked hard and with considerable enthusiasm at all their subjects this week. We have started our spelling program and have also been getting stuck in to our new maths topics – place value and shape. In well being, we looked at what makes a good friend and realised we all actually have lots of qualities which makes us one. In science, we have been investigating the seven life processes – moving, respiration, sensitivity, nutrition, excretion, reproduction and growth. We also investigated an introduction into the human heart and are looking forward to learning much more about it next week. It’s so good to be back! (Mrs Clasby)

Chestnut Class

Highlights this week:

Maths: This week, Chestnut class has been delving into numbers and their place value. The children have showcased their skills in counting by tens, hundreds, and thousands. They’ve also been exploring intervals on a number line and partitioning numbers.

Science: Our focus has been on food chains. The children have been using their scientific vocabulary to classify consumers into categories such as herbivores, omnivores, frugivores, and carnivores.

History: We’ve been examining how life in Britain changed after the Romans left, introducing our new topic, “Invasion.”

English: The children are learning how to write a playscript. We’ve discussed the importance of details like setting information, stage descriptions, character names, and dialogue, and how these elements influence a stage performance.

Library Excitement: The children have been thrilled to use the school library and have enjoyed taking books home. (Mrs Sanda)

Beech Class

We have had a fantastic first full week in Beech Class. The children have settled in well with what routines and learning that is done in Beech Class and for that they should all be super proud of themselves.

In Maths, we have been delving into place value and different representations of numbers up to 20. For English, we have been looking at what Grace Darling is famous for and why we remember her in order to write a biography on her over the next few weeks.

Throughout this week, the children have worked really hard and on Wednesday we had a wellbeing afternoon focusing on friendship. A lot of children are demonstrating qualities talked about when helping others in the class (as well as myself) when they need it! (Mrs Whelan)

Hazel Class

The children have had a brilliant week settling into school life. They have had an adventure in Forest School, a trip to the Library and have taken their first steps on their Phonics learning journey learning the sounds m,a and s. The children created some very interesting emergency vehicles as we start looking at people who help us. In PSED we have started to look at similarities and differences between each other, and how we are all unique.

Can I just remind parents that PE kit needs to be in school all the time, being sent home at half terms for washing. I would also like the children to have wellies in school all the time so that we can make the most of the outside environment. (Miss Buxton)

Diary Dates

20th Sept


All day Jeans for Genes day – children are welcome to wear jeans with their normal school uniform on their upper bodies.
25th Sept


13.00 – 15.05 Start Small Dream Big afternoon (Chestnut and Oak classes)
27th Sept   World biggest coffee morning

P&C assembly in the morning followed by coffee and cake for parents and children.

30th Sept


16.30 – 19.00 Parent Meetings (in the hall)
1st Oct –


15.30 – 17.30 Parent Meetings (in the hall)
3rd Oct


09.00 Harvest Festival with songs and ditties
25th Oct


6th Nov   Well being afternoon focus


13th Nov 13.00 – 15.05 Start Small, Dream Big afternoon (Chestnut and Oak classes)
15 Nov All day Children in need – children may wear something spotty to school.


10th Dec 14.00 Nativity


11th Dec 16.00 Nativity


13th Dec All day Christmas Jumper Day


13th Dec 14.05 Final Praise & Celebrate assembly for the term.


19th Dec 14.55 Carols and last day of term



As ever if you have any questions or queries, do please ask and Mrs Pike, class teachers or I will be happy to help.

Best wishes,

Mrs B