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Newsletter 14th June 2024

Newsletter 14th June 2024
June 21, 2024 Sandy Pike

Dear Parents and Carers,

It’s a bumper of a newsletter this week, as last weeks never made it off the press to be sent – my apologies!

OFSTED Monitoring Visit

As many of you probably know, we had an Ofsted monitoring visit on Tuesday. We look forward to sharing the report and findings, which will be available to parents in 30 days.

School Reading Lists

The books on the school reading lists, will be made available to borrow from the school library, however while books continue to be bar coded and scanned, do please make use of local libraries. I know some year groups have organised their own books swaps, which is very organised – thank you!


Swimming has started a pace with Hazel and Beech classes swimming around 3 times a week, and Chestnut and Oak classes enjoying their first swim session this week.

The school has employed two swimming teachers, for a half day each to facilitate focused and productive swimming lessons, whilst also leaving teachers to ‘teach’ focused groups within the classroom.

Please would all parents and carers ensure pupils have a swimming costume, towel, goggles and swim hat in school on a daily basis. We will try and use the pool as much as possible over the course of this second half of term.


Athletics Festival Years 3 – 6

A large group of children represented our school in the Gillingham Schools Athletics competition at Yeovil on Thursday.  Events included the hurdles, 60m, 75m, 150m and 600m distance runs, relays, long jump and vortex throwing. It was lovely to see the so many pupils participating in the event, with much fun had by all. A number of medals won, yet it was the collective contribution and effort that should be celebrated.


Last week’s assemblies focused on how to maintain ‘a healthy heart’, stemming from the Pandora’s Box focus and the element of disease.  Our Wednesday assembly focused on our summer play, with the first song being shared and learnt.

Lego Club

In Lego Club last week the children were challenged to build a parrot. We had joint winners with Jasper and Noah creating a scarlet macaw and Ted and Jacob creating a cockatoo. I was so impressed by them all!




Several of our assemblies have focused on learning songs for our summer play.

School Council

The School Council would like to give you all some advance information about an upcoming event – our first fundraising event for World Vision, our chosen charity. We are planning a Happy Hair Day, where the children can wear their hair however they like for a donation of £1. Well done to them for choosing such a fun first activity. Dates to follow!

Lego Club

This week the children have been challenged with making a treehouse. Monday’s winner was Rosie and Summer, while Ada and Amelia won on Wednesday. I’m afraid I have no photo of Ada and Amelia’s creation – sorry!

Parent Forum

Many thanks to those parents who contributed comments during the Parent Forum. Areas of conversation covered, the library, sports, sports day, the garden areas of the school, reading and ‘greening’ the indoor environment.

Sweets and cakes

Many thanks to those who supported our Year 6 pupils, who are raising money for their leavers experience at the end of the term, with the purchase of sweats and cakes at the end of the week. A reminder that the enterprising team will be selling small bags of sweets on a Friday at collection time i.e. 3.20pm, as well as selling cakes and/or biscuits on a Friday before, and after, our Praise and Celebrate assembly. Prices range from 50p – £1.


Road disruption

Please note there will be a large removal lorry next door from 9am on Tuesday 18th June. Hopefully this will not cause too much disruption, however please be mindful when approaching, parking and departing school.

While on the subject of parking, I would like to remind everyone to be mindful when parking on the road and opening car doors, particularly at busy drop off and pick up times. We are also seeing a lot of heavy vehicle traffic passing the school recently, and I would hate for anyone to lose a car door or wing mirror, when a quick glance to check all is clear, or being sensitive to the need for space for buses and tractors, could save a great deal of aggravation! Many thanks for your cooperation regarding this matter.

M&M production

We look forward to welcoming the M&M production company on Wednesday, with follow up workshop.


School Clubs

Breakfast and After School Club can be booked online at:  (Select Stower Provost Community School in the specific venue box and scroll down to Wraparound Care.


Club Day Time For year groups Run by Cost
Lego Monday 15.20 – 16.30 Year 1/2/3/4/5 Miss Buxton £3.99 + VAT per session
KS1 Multi-Sports

(summer sports)

Tuesday 15.30 – 16.30 Years 1 & 2 Prime Sports FREE
Gardening Tuesday (starting on 18th June) 15.20 – 16.30 4 spaces (sign up by emailing Mrs Pike) Mrs Berwick £6 for 4 sessions i.e. until half term
Lego Wednesday 15.20 – 16.30 Year 1/2/3/4/5 Miss Buxton £3.99 + VAT per session
Eco Club Friday 12.30 – 13.00 All Mrs B FREE
KS2 Multi-Sports

(summer sports)

Friday 15.30 – 16.30 Years 3/4/5/6 Prime Sports FREE

Signing up for Clubs

Please note that gardening club does not start until 18th June.

Sports Clubs are free for children to attend and subsidised out of the school’s PEPPSA (sports funding).

Please book any Prime Sports Clubs on:

KS1 –

KS2 –


Lego Club bookings for the next half of term are now open. Do please book your place at:

PTFA – News

There will be a summer BBQ meeting on Wednesday 3rd July at 3.30pm. Anyone keen to be involved do please just turn up or contact Phillippa Halberstadt and/or Sam Wattridge.

A reminder to keep Friday 12th July 15.30 – 17.30 free for our School Summer BBQ. , so please ensure you have added this date to your diaries. Activities include bouncy castles, stalls and a BBQ.


Library sticker and scanning hour

If you are able to come and help sticker books and scan these onto our library system on Wednesday 3rd July between 3.30 – 4.30pm, your help would be more than welcome! Past pupils are also most welcome to come along, see how the school has changed and lend a helping hand!

Kington Magna Garden Produce Show

Please see the attached flyer linked to the Kington Magna Garden Produce Show which will be held on Saturday 20th July in the village of Kington Magna.  The show is running in support of the larger event Magnafest, which is all in aid of the beautiful church in Kington Magna, to raise funds to fix the west window.

Show organisers are really keen to include all the age groups in the Garden Show – and this year have created some special children’s classes that are hoped to be of interest!  At just 50p an entry it’s a great way to get interested in gardening, and perhaps even win a prize!

Please see the attached entry form and further information on the event.

Summer Library Reading Challenge

The Summer Reading Challenge is a FREE holiday activity for children. It’s all about reading for fun, aiming to improve children’s reading skills and confidence. This year’s Challenge is all about creativity. From dance to drawing, junk modelling to music, there’s something for everyone! Children will be able to find new reads linked to their favourite creative arts, and access free activities at the library. Please see the attached flyer for further information.

Class news


Last week

In Art the children have started a new unit called Expression. We looked at a range of different expressionist paintings, learning about how colour and brush strokes helped depict the mood of the scene. We focused on 4 paintings created by the painter Edvard Munch (including The Scream), comparing them and recreating one of them. In PSHE we looked at the positive and possible negatives of belonging to online communities. In RE, the children read The Day When God Made Church by Rebekah McLeod Hutto, which tells the story of Pentecost, and discussed how the disciples must have felt after Pentecost. In History, we compared the Mycenaeans and the Minoans, understanding that the Mycenaeans were influenced by the Minoans. There were similarities in their religious worship, crafts and writing but there were differences in their attitudes toward women and military power. (Mrs Toy) 

This week

Motown music featured in the music lessons. We have been preparing to perform the song ‘Dancin’ In the Street’ by Martha and the Vandellas. We enjoyed learning the song itself and put it into a bit of historical context – Motown is short for motor town (Detroit) where some of the music was produced. We also delved into the Dark Age and Archaic periods in Greek history again and compared them. In science, we got busy, with the help of Mrs Hillam, with choosing appropriate materials for a hot drinks coaster  – cork came first and aluminium foil was one of the poorest candidates! In English, we continued our sentence building for our persuasive letter writing by looking at rhetorical questions and emotive language. Next week, we are looking forward to trying to find a material to keep ice lollies cool. We hope that works! (Mrs Clasby)


Last week

In Chestnut class, we continued to learn about the Romans, exploring the social hierarchy in Ancient Rome. We also researched gladiators, finding out about different types of gladiators, creating a training programme for them and practicing javelin throw.

In RE, whilst learning about Buddhism, we covered an important teaching:  “kindness”. Children created some inspirational posters to instil this message in other peers.

In PSHCE, we discussed about United Nation Convention and the Rights of the child. We worked as a class, but also as partners to understand the difference between Rights and Wants, but also to identify how these rights refer our life. (Mrs Sanda)

This week

In Chestnut class, we have started a new topic in Ar.  This is about Mosaics and how these have changed and developed over time. Children were really excited to point out some of the Mosaic art they have already seen within the school and the community. In Maths, Year 4 have worked really hard on understanding Coordinates on a grid and translating shapes or coordinates. Year 3 have explored different ways of reading statistical information (pictograms, tally charts, bar charts and 2 way tables). They have also shown good understanding in reading information transmitted through these means.

In IT, started also using Scratch on laptops. Children have shown great skills in learning about how commands can be attached to a key on the keyboard and make their sprite move in the direction intended.  All in school On Thursday have had their first swimming lesson in the school pool. Children have shown perseverance and pushed themselves to the challenge.


Last week

Before the holiday Beech class were very excited to be taking part in Sports Day. Everyone enjoyed practicing for the different events and challenging their friends to races at playtimes. I’m sure everyone will agree that all the children did an amazing job on the day 0 we are super proud of every one of them!

Contrasting to all this physical activity the children also spent the last week of term planning and then writing an adventure story about a lion who visited Paris.  Some wonderful writing happened and we hope to display some of the work in the classroom very soon. (Mrs Rowley)

This week

Beech class have enjoyed finding out about the life cycles of different living things (mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds and insects) this week. The children worked collaboratively to make a poster, then presented the information they had learnt to their friends. It was interesting how the life cycles of different creatures varied. In Maths we have begun learning about tally charts, tables, pictograms and block charts. We have been interpreting them to find the answers to questions such as ‘how many more people chose blue than green?’ and ‘how many people were there in total?’. We’ve also been making our own. (Mrs Rowley)


Last week

This week the Year 1 children have been learning about the different body parts of both humans and other animals, learning about parts such antenna, fin and wing. This is going to support our learning next week when we start to investigate classification. The FS2 children have been creating maps for their favourite stories, such as What The Ladybird Heard, and using positional language to talk about their maps with their friends. We started swimming this week and the children had an amazing time in the water and showed excellent listening skills.  (Miss Buxton)

This week

Diary dates  (dates in red have been added this week)

Date to be confirmed for the School Council’s fundraising event for World Vision –  Happy Hair Day £1 donation


Every Friday 15.20 Year 6 sweets and cake sales
10th – 16th June 1 week Phonic Screening week – year 1 pupils
19th June 13.45 M&M show and workshops
28th June 10.00 -12.00 Y2 Gillingham Schools Mini Olympics at St Gregory’s school
3rd July 15.30 PTFA Summer BBQ meeting
3rd July 15.30 Library sticker and scanning hour
5th July Tbc School play dress rehearsal
8th July Tbc Jungle Book visiting performance
9th July 14.00 School play performance
10th July 9.00 – 12.00 Year 4/5 Gillingham Schools Swimming Gala at Riversmeet
10th July 16.00 School play performance
12th July 15.30 – 17.30 Summer BBQ
16th July 9.00 – 11.30 Year 6 girls PE transition project at Gillingham School (invitation only)
19th July 14.30 Leavers Assembly
19th July 15.20 Last day of school before the summer holiday
22nd July 2024   INSET DAY
23rd July 2024   INSET DAY

Best wishes,


Mrs B