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Newsletter 18th October 2024

Newsletter 18th October 2024
October 25, 2024 Sandy Pike

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope this email finds one and all well with only a week to go to half term.

It is with sadness that I inform you that Mr KP will be leaving his teaching assistant role, as of today, to pursue an exciting business opportunity which he took over a week or so ago in Shaftesbury. If you visit Shaftesbury Deli you may well see a familiar face! I would like to thank Mr K-P for all his efforts whilst with us and working with the children in Oak Class.

Although leaving his TA role, we hope Mr K-P will still be involved with the school in some compacity, perhaps leading an afterschool club or covering as a TA here and there, so watch this space!

Mrs Jen Harris will return in a teaching assistant capacity from Monday.

A further update linked to Mrs Clasby. As some of you will be aware Mrs Clasby has been off ill for several week. I am glad to say she is on the mend and we hope she will be back in and around school from Tuesday next week.


Friends of Stower Provost Plans

The Friends of Stower Provost met to organise a range of fun filled events for children and families for the year ahead. The aim is to help raise money for the school, which will further support our children, along with delivering a range of activities for children, families and the community to enjoy.

Up and coming activities:

Pumpkin Decorating Competition

The Friends of Stower Provost School will be holding a pumpkin decorating competition (either traditional carving or decorating in any way you wish) for students, siblings and even adults! There will be prizes for each age group. Photographs of entries need to be brought into school by Tuesday 5th November (Remember, remember your pumpkin picture!) with a £1 fee for each entry. Good luck!

Mufti Day – for a jar of sweets

Children can also come to school on the 7th of November in their own clothes, ready for the Disco. Those wearing their own clothes are asked to bring a donation of a jar of sweets for a future PTFA event.

It’s Disco Time again! 

November 7th is Disco Day! It’s time to Sparkle and Shine at our first Disco of this school year!

Children stay from school and the discos will finish at 5pm. Please collect your children from the playground at 5pm! £2 per child, this will include a snack.

Lego Club

This week’s build was a gladiator’s sword. The winner on Monday was Jasper. Thursday’s winner was Finley, who created the sword in the stone, the stone was surrounded with moss and rocks.



Please would children from Oak Class be in school for 08.15 on Wednesday 23rd Oct for the trip to Winchester. The coach company has just informed me that we will need to leave school at 08.30 to ensure we arrive at the Science Museum for 10.00.

Autism Central Coffee Mornings

Please find attached information relating to casual coffee morning for parents and carers of autistic children (of any age or with no diagnosis).  People go perhaps to seek advice and support and/or meet others. These meetings are held at RiversMeet, Gillingham, with the next coffee morning on Tuesday 22nd October 10 – 11.30am.

In case you missed it!

Dorset Council Education Bulletin – Let’s Talk SEND Week

Families across Dorset are invited to attend the first in-person Let’s Talk SEND Week, starting Monday, 21 October. Organised by Dorset Council, Dorset Parent Carer Council, and NHS Dorset, this week-long event offers a range of activities for families with children who have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

The main event will take place at Kingston Maurward on Monday, 21 October, from 10 am to 1:30 pm. Families can meet professionals from various services such as CAMHS, the continence service, and short breaks providers. No need to book—just drop in!

There are also regional events across Dorset:

Wimborne Family Hub: 12-2pm Tuesday 22 October

Tops Club Littlemoor: 4-6pm Wednesday 23 October

Dorchester Family Hub: 10am-12pm Thursday 24 October

Wareham Family Hub: 1pm-3pm Thursday 24 October

Shaftesbury Children’s Centre:10am-1pm Thursday 24 October

The week concludes with an online Q&A session on Friday, 25 October, at 10.15 am (registration required).


Easy Fundraising

By downloading the Easy Fundraising app on your phone, and going through the app to make online purchases can help raise funds for the school with no expense to you. We can raise even more money by asking others to join the merry throng –  use the QR code!

How it works: easyfundraising partners with over 7,000 brands who will donate part of what you spend to a cause of your choice. It won’t cost you any extra. The cost is covered by the brand.

Asda ‘Cash pot for schools’

You may be aware that Asda supermarket have launched a “Cash pot for schools” incentive. Every time a person shops at Asda, the store will donate to that individual’s chosen school.

If you shop at Asda then do please signed up and select Stower Provost from the list. Thank you.


Light Party at East Stour Church

A reminder that there is a ‘Light Party’ on 30th October at East Stour Church, SP8 5LP, running 4 – 5.30pm, run by Reverend Clare and Fiona.

Gillingham Museum requesting your help!

Gillingham Museum (which covers the remit of the history of Stour Provost) is seeking the views of the community to help to shape its future, please find a questionnaire attached which we have been asked to share with parents.  All queries to Angela Willis, Vice Chair, Gillingham Museum & Local History Society.


Oak Class

Oak Class have been learn continuing their learning about the circulatory system, in preparation for their trip to the Winchester Science Museum next week, and have been focusing on food. This has included identifying the main food groups, how to identify amounts of sugar, salt and fat on food packaging and expected daily amounts.

In English pupils have been considering the structure of persuasive writing, while looking at the talks of Greta Thunberg to national assemblies.

Square and cube numbers, along with multiplication has been the focus for Year 6 children in Maths, with Year 5 extending their learning linked to addition and subtraction, looking at inverse operations and multistep questions.  (Mrs B)

Chestnut Class

(Mrs Sanda)

Beech Class

This week in Beech Class, we have written up and typed up our Wacky Food Poems with rhyming words. In maths, we have been drawing all over the tables and learning about addition and subtraction within 20, which the children have thoroughly enjoyed.

During the afternoons, Beech Class have been looking at Menorahs, enjoying time outside for Forest school and learning about bodily hygiene. (Mrs Whelan)

Hazel Class

This week has been another busy week with the children creating their own Leaf Man story and learning about woodland animals. The children created their own Leaf Man last week and have spent the week taking him on lots of adventures, the authors will be sharing their work with you soon. We have been learning numbers up to 3, and looking at what happens to numbers when we add one more. The children have made their own autumn scented playdough, and spent a happy afternoon making playdough people and animals.

This half term’s focus artist is Jackson Pollock, the children will be learning about his art, how it’s made and recreating different pieces themselves. Due to the messy nature of his art work, I would like the children to come into school next Friday (25th October 2024) in their own clothes, ones which you are happy for them to get messy in. (Miss Buxton)

Diary Dates

21st Oct All week Let’s Talk SEND Week (see above for details)
22nd Oct 10 – 11.30am Autism Central Coffee Morning


23rd Oct 8.15 – 22.45 Oak class Winchester trip

08.15 arrival at school for 08.30 leave.

24th Oct   Flu Immunisation day
25th Oct


5th Nov 15.20 Photographs of entries need to be brought into school by 15.20
6th Nov   Well being afternoon focus


7th Nov All day



EYFS/KS1 15.30 –16.15

KS2 16.15 – 17.00

Wear your own clothes to school for a donation of a jar of sweets.


Sparkle and Shine Disco. (Hazel and Beech class 15.30 – 16.15 & Chestnut and Oak class 16.15 – 17.00)

13th Nov 13.00 – 15.05 Start Small, Dream Big afternoon (Chestnut and Oak classes)
15 Nov All day Children in need – children may wear something spotty to school.


10th Dec 14.00 Nativity


11th Dec 16.00 Nativity


13th Dec All day Christmas Jumper Day


13th Dec 14.05 Final Praise & Celebrate assembly for the term.


19th Dec 14.55 Carols and last day of term



As ever if you have any questions or queries, do please ask and Mrs Pike, class teachers or I will be happy to help.

Best wishes,