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Newsletter 19th December 2025

Newsletter 19th December 2025
January 1, 2025 Sandy Pike

Dear Parents and Carers, 

It’s the last newsletter of 2024! 

 Christmas Jumper Day 

Well done to all for remembering our Christmas Jumper Day. The children thoroughly enjoyed wearing their jumpers, and what a range there were too! 

 Christmas Fayre 

My thanks to the Friends of Stower Provost, and all who supported the Christmas Fayre last Friday. What a great event it was, and due to your support a wonderful £800 has been raised. The Friends look forward to sharing with you how this money will be spent. 

 School Disco 

 It was lovely to see so many enjoy the disco last night. My thanks to the Friends for organising the event, and a reminder to all parents, who haven’t yet paid that the event cost £2 per pupil. If you are yet to pay, please drop your money into the office. Many thanks! 


Morning arrival 

A reminder to all parents that our school gates open at 8.30am and doors into school at 8.40. Registration is at 8.50am. The gate will be closed and locked at 8.55am, so please would any late comers please come to the main front door. This will allow Mrs Pike to mark pupils in school as attending. Children arriving after 9.00am will be marked as late within registers, as stipulated by Dorset Council. 

 After School Club 

As you will know, from the start of the academic year, the school has been staffing our After School Club provision, running 15.30 – 16.30 daily, (other than the last day of each term). To help ensure we have the necessary staff in place to care for your children, I would request that bookings for the Club are made at the start of the week. Bookings can be made through Mrs Pike. 

We appreciate that unforeseen circumstances may mean that late booking is necessary, however in principle weekly bookings by Monday would be much appreciated. 



Gym and Swim 

Remember your PE and swimming kit for the first day of term Oak and Chestnut pupils! 

Next term all pupils will be experiencing a gym and swim session at Port Regis on a Monday afternoon. Transport and the gym experience is supported through the sports premium payment, however swimming is not, therefore a voluntary contribution of £25 is requested to cover the cost of the swimming pool and swimming teachers. The £25 will cover a 6 week block of swimming. Please send all payments through the school office. 

Please would all parents with a child/ren in Chestnut and Oak classes please ensure their children have both PE kit AND swimming kit in school from 6th January.  

 Dorset Admissions Consultation 

This is to inform you that Dorset Council are carrying out an admissions consultation. Should you wish to comment please do so using the appropriate links by 20th December. 

 Details of the consultations are available to view at Admission Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools in Dorset Council 2026 to 2027 – Dorset Council – Citizen Space  


Responses must be submitted either in writing to School Admissions Team, Dorset Council, County Hall, Dorchester, DT1 1XJ or by email to by Friday 20th December 2024. 

 Upon the conclusion of the consultation period all responses will be considered carefully and a report will be presented to Dorset Council’s Cabinet meeting on Tuesday25th February 2025. 

 The school has been asked to make reference to the consultations to parents.  

The key dates for the annual school arrangements consultation are set out below: 


Dorset LA consultation begins  11th November 2024   
Dorset LA consultation ends                                            

         20th December 2024 

Own Admission Authorities (including Dorset LA) determine 2026-2027 Admission Arrangements by:  28th February 2025   
Own Admission Authorities (including Dorset LA) publish 2026-2027 Admission Arrangements by: 


Own Admission Authorities to send a copy of their 2026-2027 Admission Arrangements to Dorset Council by: 

15th March 2025   
Deadline for Objections to Office of the School’s Adjudicator  15th May 2025   



Final reminder before Christmas about Easy Fundraising 


With Christmas around the corner it is an ideal time to download the Easy Fundraising app on your phone, and raise funds for the school without having to do anything, other than going through the app to make online purchases.  

Remember businesses can use our Easy Fundraiser page too. Larger items like insurance and travel can also be purchased through the Easy Fundraiser page. 

You can raise even more money by asking others to join the merry throng –  use the QR code! 

How it works: easyfundraising partners have over 7,000 brands who will donate part of what you spend to a cause of your choice. It won’t cost you any extra. The cost is covered by the brand. 

So why not get organised and make those Christmas purchases online through the Easy Fundraising app!  



Thursday 19th December – Carols in the Hall at 14.55 – 15.15. 

Thursday 19th December – Last Day of Term with NO After School Club. 


Next Term 

6th January – Gym and swim at Port Regis for Chestnut and Oak classes. 




East Stour Church SP8 5LP – Lego Christmas Story Trail 

Over the Christmas holidays East Stour Church will have a ‘Lego Christmas Story Trail’ up in the East Stour churchyard. It’s high tec with QR codes to get an app and then finding pictures that have hidden videos – sounds fun.  Please see the attached flyer for further information. 



Oak Class 

We have ended our week very busily in Oak, catching up with our sticky knowledge questions for foundation subjects – they were very challenging! We also had a wander round the school cellar to gather some inspiration for a descriptive paragraph. The children generated some fabulous ideas and vocabulary to enhance their writing. Next term, we are very excited to be finding out about our new topics including electrical circuits, frozen kingdoms and the celebration of  Parinirvana for Buddhists. (Mrs Clasby) 


Chestnut Class  

In Chestnut class we finalised the topics we studied. In Geography we learnt about contrasting climates across the globe. Children used atlases and the internet to research a specific feature of the UK and gather facts (length, height, wildlife). The findings were quite interesting. 

All have enjoyed being part of some Christmas activities. They have shown perseverance in using their art skills. (Mrs Sanda) 


Beech Class  

This week in Beech Class, despite the excitement the children have been incredibly hard working and continuing to thrive in Maths and English which is lovely to see! The children have been finishing off their afternoon learning for this term before we move onto looking at new areas in the New Year.  

Lastly, from all the adults in Beech Class we would like to say Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! See you all after the holiday.  (Mrs Whelan) 


Hazel Class 

This week has been a very busy week, with lots of fun and exciting activities ranging from party games with Beech and Preschool to decorating the school Christmas tree. The children have taken part in a light parade with their diya lamps, now painted beautifully, it was very pretty! We were treated to a showing of the preschool nativity which the children loved watching. I hope the children have a happy Christmas and a lovely holiday! (Miss Buxton) 


Diary Dates  

19th Dec  14.55  Carols and last day of term 


19th Dec  15.20  End of Term (No After School Club) 
6th Jan  08.50  Spring term starts 
6th Jan  13.00 – 14.00  Gym & swim experience at Port Regis for Chestnut and Oak pupils. 


Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas, and I look forward to seeing one and all in the new year. 

Best wishes,