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Newsletter 1st March 2019

Newsletter 1st March 2019
March 1, 2019 Sandy Pike

Dear Parents and Carers

It is good to see the children back in school after their half term holiday, seeming rested and ready to set off on the next stage of their learning journey.

This afternoon’s Creative Curriculum Showcase has been as popular as ever. I am always hugely impressed by the quality of the work the children produce for these events, showing a real depth of understanding of their topics. Thank you, as always, for your support in attending the Showcase, and for the help you give to your children in producing such brilliant work.

Hockey Festival

Congratulations to the Hockey Team on their superb play at Wednesday’s Festival against our local schools. Playing against the other schools, some with five times the number of children to choose from, our team showed huge promise and really enjoyed the experience.

School Refurbishment

The building works are well under way. Oak Classroom has had its re-decoration during the holiday and is now looking very smart; most of the windows have been replaced, making the view out even better; the high-level window winders have been repaired so we should be able to get a better through-draught during the summer, the external redecoration has begun, and a start has been made on the toilet refurbishment. The children have been brilliant this week at ignoring all that is still going on – hopefully the weather will be kind and it will all be finished as soon as possible.

World Book Day

This year, World Book day is on Thursday 7th March. To mark the occasion, the children will be handed a World Book day voucher. Please see details on the voucher about how to make use of it to contribute towards the purchase of a book. For this day, the teachers are planning poetry-based activities and a sample of these activities will be shown in Friday’s celebration assembly.

As the majority of KS2 take part in a swimming session on the Thursday, the children will need to come in their school uniform as usual. Instead, we have designated Friday 8th March as a chance for the children to dress up as a book character for the day. Dressing up is optional and if your child does not wish to take part, they come to school in their uniform as usual.

We look forward to seeing which characters will turn up for school next Friday, 8th March!

Parents’ Evening

Coming home this afternoon should be your booking slip for our next Parents’ Evening. Please return your slip in good time in order to be given a chance of your preferred appointment time.

 PTFA News

The PTFA has a very busy couple of days. Many thanks to the committee for organising the various events, ranging from the Tea and second-hand uniform sale this afternoon, to this evening’s disco (5:30 – 7:00pm, £3:00 for the first child in the family, £2:00 thereafter, children on our school roll only, please). They have also organised a Working Party taking place tomorrow morning (Saturday, 2nd March from 9:00am), with a view to cleaning and smartening up the outdoor learning areas, including the patio areas outside Hazel Class, and regenerating the raised bed area ready for plating out this spring. If you are able to help in any way, please come along, at any time during the morning – a cup of tea will await you!


With best wishes

James Stanford