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Newsletter 20th November 2020

Newsletter 20th November 2020
November 23, 2020 Sandy Pike

Dear Parents and Carers


Congratulations to the 46 children who have managed 100% attendance this term. This brilliant figure means that, even though some children have had to have time at home – waiting for results of tests, for example – our attendance rate for the whole school is identical for the same period last year. Well done, keep healthy, and let’s see if we can beat last year’s already good score.

Sponsored Walk

I thought you would like to know that, so far, your children have raised over £1800 for the school defibrillator! This is an astonishing amount which means we will be able to install the machine in a secure, heated cabinet outside school making it available to anyone in need in the local area at any time of the day and night. Do please continue to collect any outstanding amounts and bring them in with your child’s sponsorship form as the PTFA will then be able to claim the tax back any gift-aided amounts, adding further to the total.

I would be interested to hear your thoughts about how to spend any sponsorship money in excess of the amount needed to install the cabinet. We have several options.

  1. To buy a second defibrillator to be kept near to the school field for school-only use
  2. To keep an amount of money in PTFA funds to pay for replacement pads and batteries if it has had to be used (or if not used, to replace after the shelf life of 5 years has expired)
  3. To fund other necessary school medical equipment, including spare epipens (£53 each with a shelf-life of 18 months maximum) to treat for anaphylactic shock, and asthma inhalers
  4. To pay for appropriate first aid training and resources for our children to use (such as resuscitation manikins, practice bandages etc.) to help us deliver the new statutory PSHE curriculum which now includes first aid for children

If you have any thoughts on which of these options would be most appropriate, or have other ideas, please let me know.

Christmas Raffle

Coming home today, in an envelope, should be two books of raffle tickets. This year we are hoping to repeat the success of last year’s raffle by joining in with the Dorchester Rotary Club draw. This means we can offer the chance of winning some fantastic prizes, the school keeps all funds raised and we get a bonus! Please return named stubs with money, or unwanted books, to school by Wednesday 9th December at the latest.

Headlice Alert

Despite our efforts at social distancing, it seems that headlice are still an issue for schools. Please check your child’s hair carefully for nits and treat accordingly.

Naming Uniform

As the term goes on, please keep checking all your children’s belongings are clearly named, with your own child’s name. A number of sweatshirts have gone missing, but in exchange, quite a number of unclaimed, unnamed sweatshirts may be found around the school. We are expecting the children to change for PE each session, so do make sure this kit (including any tracksuits they bring in to wear outside) is clearly labelled, too.

Hot School Dinners

With the weather getting colder, we are very fortunate here to be still providing hot meals for any child who wants one, as some schools are offering only sandwiches each day. With our flexible system, the children do not need to have the meal every day and can chop and change with a packed lunch from home on days when a hot meal is not required. It provides a good quality, good value meal, and gives the chance for children to try a range of different foods they may not have at home.  If you would like your child to start having the hot meal but have lost your log in details, please contact Mrs Pike.

With best wishes

James Stanford