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Newsletter 20th October 2017

Newsletter 20th October 2017
October 20, 2017 Sandy Pike

Flu vaccine

Just a polite reminder that the children in Conker, Acorn and Chestnut class have had a letter sent out about the Flu vaccine. These forms must be handed back in so that your child can be administered the vaccine. This is taking place on Tuesday 31st October.

If you do not wish your child to have the vaccine, please also let us know as this helps with the organisation of the children on the day.

Stars of the week

The focus for this week has been on working well with others.

A lot of the children do this really well but the children who the members of staff have particularly noticed working well with others are:

Logan from Conkers

Esme from Acorns

Eleyna from Chestnuts

Alanah from Oaks

We have had a very busy first half-term. Well done to the children for all their hard work and effort that they are putting into their learning.

Many thanks to: the members of staff, parents, governors and friends of the school for all your support and hard work.

Enjoy the half-term holiday and we will see you on Monday 30th October.

With a busy half-term coming up, please keep an eye on the website for upcoming events and future Newsletters.


Diary Dates


Date Event Who is involved
30.10.17 Parent Forum meeting in the hall at 3.30pm Everyone
08.11.17 Individual pupil photos Everyone
06.12.17 Whole School Nativity Play 2pm and 6pm Everyone